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Meldonium supplement - Is There a tablet for all?

24 Feb 2017

Leading cardiologists and specialists from Russia's sphere of health and Latvia have tried to answer the question "Is the tablet of all there?"

February 12, Jurmala hosts international conference "Metabolic Therapy - myth or reality." We came to the conference leading cardiologists and healthcare professionals in Russia and Latvia.
The scientific program of the conference included presentations of leading practitioners, industry experts and representatives of joint stock company "Grindeks", presented results of a clinical study on the effect of the original product Mildronate tolerance of exercise in patients with angina. In addition, the conference presented the results of studies conducted in Russia on the effectiveness Mildronate. Also, experts have told about what the overall situation in Russia today in the health sector.
Solemn speech opened the conference by the chief specialist of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of Russia Gegamovich Raphael Oganov.

During the conference, Professor, Head of Department of Clinical pharmacology, pharmacotherapy and ambulance Moscow State University of Medicine and Dentistry Arkady L. Vertkin described the general situation prevailing in the health sector in today's Russia. During his speech, the professor tried to answer the question "Is there a tablet of all?".
To answer this question hastened other participants that reported the latest research on the effectiveness of Meldonium supplement.

Academic Director of the Institute Orgincheskogo synthesis Kalvins Ivars presented experimental data to support the effectiveness Mildronate. In turn, Director of Research and Development Joint Stock Company «Grindeks» Nils Poritis presented the results of recent randomized, multinational, multicentre, double-blind, placebo-controlled study Mildronate, holding that it was necessary to build the evidence base the effectiveness of treatment of stable angina for re-registration the drug in Russia and other countries.

Efficacy data Mildronate obtained as a result of research in Russia, presented the professor, president of the National Society of Cardiovascular Prevention and Rehabilitation, chief cardiologist of Russia Central Federal District Yury Pozdnyakov and professor, senior clinical pharmacologist Volgograd Sergey Nedogoda. In their speeches, experts not only demonstrated the generalized results of research, but also shared examples of usage Mildronate in practice.

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