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Meldonium Sport - About 20% of the athletes need to apply formulations comprising Meldonium

24 Feb 2017

Symptoms overvoltage cardiovascular system have about 20% of the athletes, especially cyclic sports. Preparations containing meldonium showing these athletes.

According to the head of the Laboratory of sports cardiology VPO Russian State University of Physical Culture, Sports, Youth and Tourism Anastasia Mikhailova, quoted by the agency TASS, about 20% of the athletes are clear signs of over-voltage of the cardiovascular system and the need to apply Mildronat or other preparations containing meldonium.

"Signs of the surge of the cardiovascular system are about 20 percent of the athletes, especially in cyclic sports - said Mikhailov. - Mildronate 'well in this regard, has a clear positive trend. And it shows not only these 20%, but also those who are prone to such problems with the body. Especially young athletes, passing on an adult level - their cardiovascular system is unable to cope with the increased loads. They can not do without cardioprotection - suffering heart. "

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