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Meldonium online. Student weekdays - Increases performance

07 Mar 2017

Students - an important life stage. In this whirlwind of new experiences, young people often neglect their main obyazannostyu- their studies. However, they forget that a bad evaluation may face expulsion. How to avoid it? Diligently working on academic performance. To learn how to do this, we will talk today.

Students - an important life stage. In this whirlwind of new experiences, young people often neglect their main obyazannostyu- their studies.

Healthy sleep - your top priority
The habit of learning all the night before the exam; the desire to have fun when you want to be tomorrow at 8:00 in the study - students of all times has been difficult to find time for restful sleep. Hence - the attention span, immunity to new information, and as a consequence - low academic performance in various academic disciplines.

How to find the time to 8 hours of sleep? Clearly delineate the time in everyday life: 8 hours - sleep, the other 8 - in the study, while the remaining 8 - leisure and business. Remember that you can not "steal" the clock in sleep on something else.

Say "no" depending on the gadgets
Today's students - representatives of the Y generation - can not imagine my life without gadgets and the Internet. This kind of backup, which is always at hand. No need to remember new information - Google will tell everything.

How to be? Take in the library of paper books and begin to rely on their own knowledge. And yet - write cribs. Not ready to download, namely to write by hand. Composing tips, you will learn to choose the most important, and write something - you probably remember it. But the use of cribs in exams - not necessarily. And why? You have already learned everything.

Sporting exercise
Physical activity - a good way to give your mind a rest. When you feel that you do not remember what they knew by heart 5 minutes ago - arrange a jog for 10-15 minutes. Or just stroll the sports pitch in the open air.

The first law of Parkinson's
The first Parkinson's Law states that the total amount of work will always grow to fill an all time allotted for work. Students with the greatest eagerness follow this principle. For example, if the student knows that he has a month for writing diploma, then the whole process of writing would take him a month, that is, instead of having to concentrate on the task, young people will waste time.

How to be? Remember what you told the parents as a child: "Do not eat the soup - do not get chocolate"; "Tidy room - then go play football."

You were furious, but do what you say.

Now you have to find their own incentives. Promise yourself that if you do the learning task quickly and accurately, then after that do something that I enjoy very much.

If nothing helps - ask for help
If, despite your best efforts, you still will not get to focus on their studies, it is possible that you have a psycho-emotional strain. This often happens during the session. In this case it is necessary to see a specialist who prescribes medication you can deal with mental overloads (eg Mildronat, capsules of 250 mg).

The above tips will help you to cope more effectively with the educational tasks while maintaining the body in good shape.

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