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Zeppelt - Meldonium detected in the Russian athletes in 724 cases out of 4316 in 2015

25 Aug 2016

Meldonium detected in Russian athletes in 724 cases out of 4316 during the investigation in 2015, said the author of the series of films about doping in Russian sports Hajo Zeppelt

Meldonium drug, in using that caught tennis player Maria Sharapova and figure skater Ekaterina Bobrova, was detected in Russian athletes in 724 cases out of 4316 during the investigation in 2015, said the author of the series of films about doping in Russian sports Hajo Zeppelt.

On Monday, it became known that the Russian figure skater Ekaterina Bobrova passed a positive doping test, it was found Meldonium (Mildronate) traces in her sample. Later, the Russian tennis player Maria Sharapova at an emergency press conference, said that the same drug found in her sample.

"I looked at the results of a study conducted in 2015, shortly before Meldonium was added to the list of prohibited drugs. In 724 out of 4316 samples taken Moscow researcher revealed Meldonium (Mildronate). This is 17% of positive tests. This means that in the body of every fifth Russian athlete there were traces of Meldonium (Mildronate) And there is evidence that many more Russian athletes in 2016 used the drug, which is now banned, "-. tells Zeppelt in the third part of the movie about doping.

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