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Medicines hormones of hypothalamus

05 Dec 2016

Medicines hypothalamus, hypophysis, epifiz, thyroid, parathyroid and pancreatic glands carry to peptide hormones.

Sermorelin is a synthetic analog of natural rileasing-hormone of human height; use for diagnostics.

Rifatironin, and also protirelin is synthetic analogs of tirotropinrileasing-hormone, release tireotropin hormone; apply to diagnostics.

The medicines stimulating release of gonadotropin hormones depending on concentration can stimulate and oppress secretion of hormones of hypophysis.

Ganirelics is medicine with high antagonistic activity concerning natural gonadotropin hormone; apply in case of premature puberty.

Tsetirelics is the antagonist of rileasing-hormone.

Gonadorelin entered intermittent raises products of gonadotropin hormones of hypophysis, it is applied to diagnostics and treatment of gipogonadism.

Somatostatin is a synthetic tetrapeptide analog of somatostatin, and octeokgreotid is an octapeptide analog of somatostatin.

Indications to application: a stop of bleedings from expanded veins of gullet.

Medicines hormones of adenogipofiz

Hormones of adenogipofiz possess an important role in regulation function of endocrine glands. Some of them in the form of pharmaceutical medicines are used in the medical purposes.

Tirotropin is medicine of tireotropin hormone (TTG) is vidospetsific glycoprotein with a molecular weight of 24 000 — 30 Ltd companies.

Pharmacodinamica: stimulates education and differentiation of interfollicul epithelium of a thyroid gland, and also development and receipt in blood of its hormones — the iodated tironin. You can try Cerebramin.

Indications to application: in case of an acute inflammation and hypofunction of a thyroid gland with the diagnostic purpose.

Medicines hormones of neurohypophysis

Neurohypophysis hormones is antidiuretic hormone and oxytocin are synthesized in supraoptic and the paraventricul kernels of area and on axons of supraopticogipofiz nervous way arrive in back share of hypophysis where are deposited. Both hormones are octapeptides which structure contains cyclic kernel and side chain.


Pharm cinetics: effect of drug at introduction to a vein develops in 1 — 2 min. and 15 — 20 min. proceed.

Pharm dynamics: enlarges permeability of membranes for K+ ions, and also the intracellular maintenance of Na + and Sa ++ therefore potential goes down and cellular excitability increases, system is stimulated. It leads to stimulation of reduction of a body of the womb, especially at the end of pregnancy, to dropping of a tonus of a neck of uterus.

Indications to use: patrimonial delicacy, a uterus atony, hypotonic uterine bleedings, for excision of an afterbirth at Cesarean section.

Contraindications: disharmony of the size of a head of a fetus to the basin sizes, the transversal and slanting provision of a fetus, the menacing hysterorrhesis. At over dosage there is a risk of hysterorrhesis and puerperal bleedings.

Vasopressin (in Ukraine it isn't registered)

Pharm cinetics: effect of drug develops in 30 — 45 min. after introduction.

Pharm dynamics: stimulates education ts-AMF, fosforilirut albuminous molecules, raises water reabsorption through an apical membrane, has the regulating effect on a water reabsorption a distal canaliculus of kidneys; detains ions of Na+, SG, narrows vessels and capillaries, raises the ABP.

Indications to use: bed wetting, not diabetes mellitus.

Side effects: delay of sodium and water, rising of ABP.


Dezmopressin is synthetic polypeptide, antidiuretic hormone analog.

Pituitrin is the medicine containing oxytocin and antidiuretic hormone (in Ukraine it isn't registered).

Pharmacokinetics: the beginning of action in 2 — 3 min., duration — 15 — 20 min.

Indications to application: excitement and strengthening of activity of a uterus in case of primary and its secondary weakness, hypotonic bleedings, normalization of involution of a uterus during the postnatal and post abortion period, bed wetting, not diabetes.

Side effects: a sodium delay in an organism, hypostases, increase HELL.

Adiurekrin represents dry pituitrin, contains mainly anti-diuretic hormone (ADG).

Pharmacokinetics: the beginning of action in 15 — 20 min., duration — 6 — 8 h.

Indications to application: as anti-diuretic means in case of not sugar, bed wetting.

Side effects: chronic allergic rhinitis, resistance to medicine.

Medicines of epifiz gormonon

Epifiz plays an important role in mechanisms of biorhythms.

Hormone of an epifiz is melatonin which is formed of serotonin by acetylation and O-methylation. Melatonin normalizes circadian rhythms, accelerates adaptation to bystry change of time zones, normalizes the psychoemotional status, regulates neuroendocrine functions, shows the immune stimulating and antioxidant properties, neurotyre-tread properties are noted.

Indications to application: as the means regulating a dream (falling asleep processes) for normalization of a biological rhythm when changing time zones.

Side effects: hypostases, drowsiness.

Forms of production of medicines

  • Oxytocinum — ampoules on 1 and 2 ml (5 and 10 PIECES)
  • Pituitrinum — ampoules on 1 ml (5 PIECES)
  • Desmopressin — bottles on 1 ml (1 ml — 0,1 mg)
  • Adiuretinum SD — bottles on 5 ml of 0,01% - ãî solution
  • Triiodthyronini hydrochloridum — tablets on 0,00002 and 0,00005 g (20 and 50 mkg)
  • Mercazolilum — tablets on 0,005 g
  • Glibenclamidum — tablets on 0,005 g
  • Metforminum — tablets on 0,25 g

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