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Medicines from fatigue

18 Dec 2016

Many familiar with feeling of constant fatigue - is not a disease, but not a healthy state. In the international classification it is called a syndrome of cognitive impairment, perception, emotional state and behavior. A more familiar name at the hearing - chronic fatigue syndrome. Manifested desires and the general decline forces, deterioration of mood in the form of depression, loss of health, emotional depression and drowsiness, rarely - excitement insomnia and tantrums.

The ability to work and performance in the medical sense of these expressions are not the same thing. Ability to work is violated, even if the shoes too tight or sore tooth. With the shoe, and even with the tooth is relatively easy to handle, but with reduced performance or chronic fatigue syndrome - it is difficult.
We will discuss a special condition called chronic fatigue syndrome. This is not exactly a disease, but definitely not health, but something in between. The boundaries are vague: closer to health - asthenia (weakness) after illness or for years, and is closer to the disease - reactive depression. Unfortunately, everyone understands the term "chronic fatigue syndrome" is now replaced by another: the International Classification discuss the state became known as cognitive dysfunction syndrome, perception, emotional state and behavior. As they say, simply and tastefully.

Outset: most funds only a doctor can prescribe to correct this condition. And I hope that after reading this article, you will understand why only a doctor can help you.
The causes of the syndrome are not clear. However, it was found that the cause of it can and latent chronic disease, and prolonged exposure to infrasound (eg, living near the freeway), and the reaction that occurs in response to any kind of long-term stressful situations at home, at work, in the city, in the country.
Syndrome manifested desires, and the general decline forces, when nothing you do not want and do not can. Reactions are slowed thinking is difficult, strong-willed and compel external forces activity is reduced. Emotionally, this condition often accompanied by inhibition of total depression and drowsiness, rarely - excitement insomnia and anger outbursts, but in both cases - the deterioration of sentiment in the form of depression.
Let's start with the latter. Emotions - a field of psychopharmacology. It has long been believed that the problem of mental health is reduced to the appointment of drugs that have hampered the excitement and confusion excited. However, in the case of chronic fatigue syndrome (for brevity, call the old way) is not suitable. Sedatives such as valerian and the like herbal medicines, Corvalol company with sleeping pills and other Phenazepamum diazepines, not calm, but only reinforce asthenia. Also you can buy Phenazepam.

Chronic fatigue syndrome outbreak of irritability associated with the painful experience of the condition. For such cases, pharmacists have a completely harmless drug - the amino acid glycine. It facilitates memorization, and improves response when driving a car, it does not have a soporific effect.
The weakness of the excitation has long been known: in the acute form, it prevents to achieve high scores in sports, and in chronic - leads to the loss of opportunity to focus and to reduce mental performance. From soft, so-called daily, sedatives common action for this case are more suitable nootropics (from the Greek noos -. Mind and tropos - direction) Phenibutum drugs piriditol, acefen, Adrafinil, Modafinil, Pikamilon. They not only comfort, but also improve the way of thinking and remembering. However, referring to the same group of substances popular nootropil (piracetam) is a mild aphrodisiac and is useful in the case of oppression.

Now we move on to the activators, ie activating substances. Most common aphrodisiacs known to mankind for thousands of years - it is tea, coffee and cocoa.

The tea bush grew in the place where, according to legend, arrived in China from India preacher of Buddhism Bodhidharma gave their land severed eyelids to stay awake. Leaves of the plant helped the preacher to work day and night for many years. Sage bush called "ttsay-ye." Moved to Mongolia, the plant became known as "cai", and in Russia was already called "tea". Great Vavilov found that the tea bush appeared in Indochina, and from it there were three varieties: Vietnamese, Chinese and Indian, and then the other.

Beginning of the XIX century was marked by isolation in pure form of many valuable plant substances, known as the "alkaloids". One of the first was the caffeine, obtained in 1821 by the German chemist FF Runge from coffee beans. It is believed that caffeine in coffee than in tea, but this is incorrect. The leaves of the tea of caffeine can be even greater than in beans of coffee, but tea is only brewed and brewed coffee. Out of habit, people associate coffee with only caffeine, tea - with theophylline, and cocoa - theobromine from.
Effects of caffeine on the central nervous system studied in detail by Pavlov, who for five years headed the Department of Pharmacology of the Military Medical Academy in St. Petersburg. He showed that caffeine in large doses instead of activation causes inhibition of reflexes and disruption of higher nervous activity. Passion is very strong tea (chifir) is theism - a form of addiction that leads to the defeat of the heart muscle, and addicted to coffee - caffeinism causing violation of mental abilities. Now caffeine is known primarily as a means of activation was tired brain. He psihoenergizator, although initially he was considered a means of stimulating the heart. Exciting something exciting, but that he is dangerous. Cocoa, and because of him, and chocolate, too exciting. That is why it should not be given to children. That is why they treat guests, especially ladies inhibited.

Interestingly, caffeine is synthesized very many plants: in the Amazon jungle Guarana grows in Paraguay - Holly (mat), in Africa - stake. The huge plants of Russia has not. Sadness will not, we have our own. In taiga Siberia from time immemorial for days wandering hunters. Hunter tired - not tired, and not go to sleep, go. The same is true in the mountains. Caring for a long time, they fed on pasture. And they found the plant - ephedra. It grows in the Urals, the Caucasus and the mountains of the Crimea.

In 1882, a Japanese chemist W. Nagai isolated from ephedra active principle - the alkaloid ephedrine. It enhances the effect of sympathetic nerves and adrenaline in the blood vessels and bronchi, and, like adrenaline, the first narrows, and the second is expanding. Hence, the primary use of ephedrine at a cold and bronchial asthma. Using the new alkaloid in the clinic started only in the 20s of the last century. Unlike adrenaline (found in the adrenal cortex) it acts relatively long and well into the brain, rendering it less exciting as activating, awakening effect.
The need for a means of "weariness" experienced not only and not so much the clinic as an army. In exploration, in a submarine, in the long-range bomber. Ephedrine to enhance the vitality and briefly acted poorly. The duration of substance determined by the presence or absence of hydroxyl groups in the ring, while the effect on the central nervous system - the additional presence of methyl groups in the chain. It took advantage of this fact, chemists, and in the United States has been synthesized the drug amphetamine Benzedrine then in Germany, and then in the USSR, but as "amphetamine" and then all over the world under different names. During the Second World War, the armies of the belligerent countries, a substance widely used. The clinic initially it was used as an activator and an anti-depressant, and then only for diseases and conditions involving depression and decreased activity, and obesity, as suppressed appetite.

It subsequently emerged that amphetamine and its derivatives cause a lot of side effects, such as disturbed function of the heart muscle, increase blood pressure and cause the expression "phenomenon of return" - after the activation of the body there is his deep depression. In connection with the ability to cause addiction, he is almost never used and is under special accounting.
According to the spread of drugs, we, fortunately, has not reached the European level, but certainly catch up quickly. In short, the business' your night - add fire! "Thriving. What is really shy, even if in the cultural capital of Russia - St. Petersburg nicotine a drug is advertised on every street corner.

Renowned psychiatrist Zigmud Freud long before the discovery of psychoanalysis method of treating patients with popular at the beginning of the century vulgar cocaine as an antidepressant. Depression gave way to drug addiction, which did not escape Freud himself. Use "large" (strong) antidepressants for fatigue and depressed mood is meaningless - they are only suitable for the treatment of depressive illness. A chronic fatigue although similar to depression, but it is different. However, consulting a doctor, you can try the "small" (weak) antidepressants are effective in reactive depression: azafen - soothing, sidnofen - activating. A sidnokarb rather only a mild activator of the higher nervous activity, a substitute amphetamine, eliminating chronic fatigue and increases efficiency. It does not cause euphoria and addiction.

Russian pharmacologists bemithyl (Metaprot) received the drug, which is considered actoprotectors (a new class of stimulants physical performance), which not only excites much improves impaired mental and physical performance even after a single application. It is harmless. Actoprotectors particularly useful for the recovery of activity after exhausting diseases (in some cases, the period of decline of strength after illness may be delayed, taking the nature of self-pathology). In this group, the most popular drug Meldonium. His also applied to enhance endurance towards physical activity. As it turned out, it is chemically similar to the relatively recent discovery of vitamin-like substance carnitine that is even called Vitamin W - vitamin growth. It is able to increase lean muscle mass while splitting fat. Furthermore, it protects nerve cells from destruction (apoptosis), which is observed as in diseases and aging. Appointed usually with stunted growth, exhaustion, severe illness, post-myocardial infarction.

A new drug epoetin, close to the hormone erythropoietin, the ability to increase the production of red blood cells and thus improve the supply of oxygen and the body to deal with these kinds of anemia that were previously untreatable. Where anemia, chronic fatigue and there.

Yet again back to plant drugs to help with chronic fatigue. The next group came from China and the Amur from the Ussuri taiga. The famous "man-root" - ginseng - first mentioned in Chinese Pharmacopoeia 1596. In Russia, has long used his hunters, but formally it became known in 1875 for describing the Russian ambassador in China. Ginseng and still remains the king means toning the nervous system, but ruled it together with many similar but not identical relatives. The effect of raising all kinds of health and potency occurs after a few days, sometimes weeks after the start of the reception. Another advantage - even at the peak of action of a person does not experience the subjective feeling of arousal. Ginseng reduces the effect of sleeping pills and can cause insomnia, but habituation and addiction to him does not happen. More active ginseng powder ginsana and less active biozhenshen. Contraindications to the appointment of these drugs are the excited state, insomnia, bleeding. Blood pressure did not increase, but in the presence of hypertensive disease should be taken under medical supervision. Like all drugs of this group, ginseng should not be used for the reception at the end of the day.
The most active of the "brothers and sisters" ginseng Rhodiola rosea, which is popularly called "golden root" (not by value, and color). In addition to the common readings as a tonic means it is used for hypotension, neurosis and some recuperation after suffering serious diseases. Rhodiola is close to, but less active Manchurian Aralia. From it is prepared Saparal tablets. Compared with the above plants chinensis, Eleutherococcus senticosus and RHAPONTICUM CARTHAMOIDES less active. one of the active principles isolated from Rhaponticum Ecdysten having tonic in addition the ability to accelerate the synthesis of proteins, and for this reason is particularly indicated for use after a debilitating disease, the elderly and the young - with reinforced training. Doping is not considered.

One of the largest pharmacologists our country academician NV Lazarev all preparations of these plants called adaptogens (generating device) for the reason that they make a person more workable, more resistant to any kind of stress and any harmful, including infectious , influences. He believed that they awaken in a person of his "inner doctor" like the morning exercises and tempering with cold water. That is why drink a bottle of tincture of ginseng is meaningless, the best effect is achieved by its long-term use in small doses.
By synthetic adaptogenes refers Dibazolum proposed by academician SV Anichkov as an antispasmodic and antihypertensive agent. Later it turned out that he is also the immune system increases. Academician IP Ashmarin offered as nootropic and adaptive means oligopeptide Semax. Since the drug in the stomach disintegrates into individual amino acids, it is administered into the nose drops.
We discussed the universal psihomio-energizer - tools that increase the strength and mobility of nervous processes, and muscle strength. But there are drugs symptomatic steps: eliminating hypotension, expanding blood vessels and improving metabolism in the brain. These include many vitamins, especially thiamine - the B1, riboflavin - B2, niacin - B3, PP, cyanocobalamin - B12 pangamic acid - B15, orotic acid.

And, of course, hormones. Often very common hypothyroidism (thyroid malfunction) is accompanied by weakness. His cure drugs iodine (iodide), potassium and sodium. But they, and especially to take thyroid hormones is permitted only on prescription and under medical supervision. Sex hormones - a source of strength and energy and, therefore, such activators as Retabolil, Phenobolin and others are doping and not sold (should not be sold). The need for them arises in addition to diseases with natural hypogonadism (insufficient secretion of hormones) in women - in menopause, that is too sure after 55 years, men - later (one in 100 years hormonally active). Women miscalculates in hormones gain in longevity. But no doctor can not take hormones.
All the money, which we were told are, but ... mainly left movement, hardening, clean air and positive emotions. However, this requires the will and favorable living conditions. And where to get them? A vicious circle that must sever all means, above all - with the help of a doctor.

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