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Medicines for pamping

21 Oct 2016

At the moment, perhaps, the most difficult question in the sphere of sports food and pharmacology is the choice of an effective remedy for a pamping.

The most popular category of additives - donators of nitrogen among whom is in the lead àðãèíèí. However recently there were many data which confute efficiency of an arginin and to it similar additives (norvalin) therefore in this article we will in details consider pharmacological means which have sufficient evidential base

Action mechanism

Action of all agents for a pamping is referred on vessels of a sceletal musculation. They extend that in turn leads to acceleration of a blood flow, improvement of transport of nutrients and oxygen to muscles, and also is observed fast augmentation of muscles - "a pharmacological pamping" is noticeable.

Donators of nitrogen

You can find the main information on these additives in articles: arginin and donators of nitrogen. Efficiency low and moderate at complex additives.

In addition it is necessary to mention inorganic nitrates. It was proved that they really increase nitrogen oxide level in blood and cause expansion of vessels. Inorganic nitrates (potassium nitrate) are present at quite large numbers in some vegetables, especially in beet. So, for example NO-Bomb (MHP) additive incorporates extract of beet ordinary. However, based on feedbacks and practice of application it is possible to conclude that efficiency of additive low. Obviously, it can be connected with low content of nitrates.

There are data that some athletes with success apply potassium saltpeter (fertilizer for plants).

One of the most effective donators of nitrogen is the class of pharmacological medicines - nitrates. Means of short action (nitroglycerine) and long action concern to them (nitrosorbid). However their application is complicated by the fact that they affect mainly large veins whereas small vessels extend slightly. It means that in case of a sufficient dose there will be a fall of arterial pressure, working capacity will decrease, there will be a headache and some other side effects.

Viagra in bodybuilding

Viagra (active ingredient - sildenafit) is popular means for improvement of erectile function at men, however recently the this medicine found broader application both in medicine, and in bodybuilding.


Many consider that viagra is the next donator of nitrogen, however it not so. It doesn't influence the NO level, however really expands vessels in muscles. If true donators of nitrogen oxide increase the NO level which increases concentration of cellular tsGMF therefore the cascade of reactions which eventually leads to relaxation of a wall of vessels is started. Viagra blocks enzyme fosfodiesterazu-5 which destroys tsGMF therefore its concentration also begins increases, and the same resulting effect turns out.

There is a number of benefits which do use of viagra in bodybuilding to the most perspective. Medicine slightly reduces the level of arterial pressure, exerts positive impact on heart, effectively improves a blood-groove in muscles and causes a minimum of side effects. In too time, very high cost pushes away, however there are cheaper generics (dynamics).

Some mistakenly believe that acceptance of viagra causes a permanent erection, however it not so. In the absence of sexual excitement (stimulation) the erection as a rule never arises.

Acceptance mode

  • It is necessary to study attentively the instruction to exclude all contraindications
  • In bodybuilding a sufficient dosage 25 mg at one time are considered
  • The best time for acceptance - before a training and after the training. In days of rest medicine can be not accepted, first, from economic purposes (in days of rest advantage noticeably lower), secondly, that to medicine tolerance didn't develop.
  • Duration of a rate is 3-4 weeks in case of daily acceptance, or 4-6 weeks in case of the use only in days of trainings.


International name of medicine, is an analog of a Sildenafil. The acceptance mode actually same, with only that difference that the one-time dose constitutes 5-10 mg, and is accepted it 1 time a day, that is has considerably the bigger period of action - till 36 o'clock whereas Viagra works 4-5 hours. Provided that sialis it is possible to find at the price 80 ð for 1 tablet, the monthly rate will cost about 2 400 rubles. At the moment there was information that the market is entered by Sialis for daily application that will provide to athletes the round-the-clock effect. Let's remind what doesn't lead finding of medicine in an organism to a resistant long erection - an erection appears in response to sexual stimulation and passes after an ejaculation (recovery of natural erectile function).

Pentoxifylline (Pentoxyphyllinum) in bodybuilding

One more medicine which improves blood circulation of peripheral fabrics including muscular, however at the same time slightly influences the level of arterial pressure. Low cost does it to one of the best means in bodybuilding for a pamping. Often Trental, Agapurin meets under trademark.


The mechanism of action is similar to Viagra, that is, Pentoxifylline (Pentoxyphyllinum) causes a vazodilatation at the expense of fosfodiyesteraza inhibition. A difference only that if in the previous case genital vessels took an advantage, then Pentoxifylline works not selectively, however it isn't reflected in a blood-groove of muscles negatively.

Pentoxifylline (Pentoxyphyllinum) has the expressed effect which is felt in 20-40 minutes after acceptance. Nearly 90% of feedbacks report about a powerful pamping which lasts several hours.

Drug sometimes causes the following side effects:

  • From a nervous system: headache, giddiness; uneasiness, sleep disorders; cramps; aseptic meningitis (seldom).
  • From integuments and a hypodermic fatty tissue: a dermahemia of the person, "inflows" of a blood to face skin and the top part of a thorax, edemas, the increased fragility of fingernails.
  • From the alimentary system: dryness in a mouth, a loss of appetite, an intestine atony, nausea, vomiting, a cholecystitis exacerbation, cholestatic hepatitis.
  • From sense organs: vision disorder, scotoma.
  • From warmly vascular system: tachycardia, arrhythmia, cardialgia, advance of stenocardia, lowering of arterial pressure.
  • From organs of a hemopoiesis and system of a hemostasis: thrombocytopenia, leukopenia, pancytopenia, hypofibrinogenemia; bleedings (including from mucosas of a stomach, an intestine.
  • Allergic reactions: dermal itch, dermahemia, urticaria, Quincke's disease, anaphylactic shock.

Acception mode

  • It is necessary to study attentively the instruction for an exception of contraindications
  • In bodybuilding the single dosage of a Pentoxyphyllinum (Pentoxifylline) makes about 300-400 mg (4 tablets on 100 mg).
  • The best time for reception - before a training and after the training. In days of rest it is possible to accept medicine 2 times a day: in the morning and after a lunch.
  • If there are side effects lower a dosage, or stop reception
  • Duration of a course is 3-4 weeks


Añtovegin became known, mainly, at the expense of Yury Bombela's article of "Pharm before and after a training". The author writes:

"In order that it is better to fill muscles with blood during the training, producers of sports food recommend to accept before a training amino acid arginin (recently NO additive which, in fact, is the same arginin). But it is better to solve a problem of a krovenapolneniye, nevertheless, by pharmacological methods. More precisely – it is more reliable. For the solution of this task it is worth using such means as actovegin or Pentoxifylline (Pentoxyphyllinum). The first – more efficient, the second – cheaper."


In general it is impossible to call article good, at least for recommendations about the use of insulin before a training, or Dexamethasone which destroys muscles. These are very serious mistakes, but we won't distract from a primary subject. Bombela also specifies that Actovegin "more efficient". It is an absolute lie. This medicine didn't pass any authoritative research and in the West isn't recognized at all. Actovegin represents a deproteinizirovanny product of blood of calfs and is offered for treatment of diseases of a brain.

Theoretically medicine can slightly expand vessels, however it is impossible to call it effective. "Attention" However, it is worth paying attention to pharmacological action of an Actovegin. Actovegin activates cellular metabolism (metabolism) by increase in transport and accumulating of glucose and oxygen, strengthening their intracellular utilization. These processes lead to acceleration of metabolism of ATP (adenosine triphosphoric acid) and increase in energy resources of a cage. Under the conditions limiting normal functions of energy metabolism (fabric hypoxia/scarcity of supplies by oxygen or violation of its assimilation/, a lack of a substratum) and in case of the raised energy consumption (healing, fabric regeneration/recovery/), Actovegin stimulates energy processes of functional metabolism (process of a metabolism in an organism) and anabolism (process of digestion of substances with an organism). Secondary effect is blood supply strengthening.

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