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The mechanisms of work and the regulation of actin-myosin motor of striated muscle

13 Dec 2016

Dr. Doping tells about the "leverage" model, the action of actin and heart-law Frank-Starling. What is the function of myosin motors? In what condition are the muscles a few hours after death? What happens to the muscles during sports injuries?

To date, there are 35 classes of myosin motors 17 different myosin expressed in our genome. They are disbud, dual-head, with long tails, short, and a wide variety of functions. In addition to muscle contraction is cell motility, intracellular transport, movement of transmembrane proteins. In particular, the adaptation of the hair cells is related to the fact that there is a channel protein that is "pulling the rope gate" and opens this channel. These "gates" along the membrane carries one of myosin. For heart protection buy Meldonium, For brain – buy Piracetam.

If a person something happens and it is still 2 weeks, the muscles begin to occur changes. To muscles began to occur degradation changes, enough is not very long immobilization. Violation of physical activity causes the muscles atrophy.

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