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Mechanical factor of growth

20 Oct 2016

Mechanical factor of growth (MGF) - an isoform (version) of an insulinopodobny factor of growth which is formed mainly after performance of physical activity also reception of anabolic steroids, a hyperthermia and oxidation increase his secretion. The mechanical factor of growth causes division of myoblasts (the rostkovykh of muscle cells which are in the sleeping state), and also accelerates muscle growth and restoration. The effect is in many respects similar to growth hormone, however he doesn't strengthen bones and cartilages.

The mechanical factor of growth represents IGF-1 option (the insulinopodobny factor of growth produced in a liver at impact of growth hormone on her) which is formed as a result of a splaysing (consecutive connection of the RNA separate elements of the coding IGF-1) in response to damage of muscular tissue as a result of physical activity.

Mechanical factor of growth, MGF

The mechanical factor of growth represents IGF-1 option (the insulinopodobny factor of growth produced in a liver at impact of growth hormone on her) which is formed as a result of a splaysing (consecutive connection of the RNA separate elements of the coding IGF-1) in response to damage of muscular tissue as a result of physical activity. 

The physiological role of MGF has been well studied on the cellular in vitro model and in experience on mice. In difference from IGF-1, the mechanical factor of growth causes, mainly, division of the sleeping muscle cells, due to activation of various receptors. Decrease in synthesis of MGF is a main reason from which reduction of muscle bulk at dystrophic patients and elderly people results. 

Application in bodybuilding

Application of MGF as medical medicine at the first stages was limited as this substance when entering in an organism collapses within several minutes. In an organism of MGF it is developed constantly therefore concentration remains at the high level a long time. In too time, it is impossible to carry out medicine injections each 30 minutes. Scientists found the simple and brilliant solution - a pegilirovaniye. The molecule of a mechanical factor of growth was combined with a polyethyleneglycol molecule which protects it from destruction, and in too time doesn't reduce biological activity and efficiency. "Attention" Thus, all modern medicines are pegylated Peg-MGF whereas it is senseless to apply net MFR.

The pegylated mechanical factor of growth has considerably big bioavailability, 2-3 times a week are entered into an organism and keeps high concentration for a long time. However pegylated peptides shortly will be determined in case of anti-doping control, and terms of their determination will be very essential. So, for example, the pegylated option of erythropoietin - Mirsera - is determined for months unlike EPO where the account goes literally for days. "Attention" Medicine isn't applied inside as quickly collapses in a digestive tract, as a rule MFR enter hypodermically. One of the Best Nooropic drug is Phenotropil.

Course of MGF

In spite of the fact that MFR still passes clinical tests, a large number of athletes of bodybuilding in the West already widely use this medicine for an acceleration of muscle growth. As a result of the got experience the trial and error method created the optimum diagram of reception now:

The average daily dose of Peg-MGF makes 100-200 mkg, with a frequency of 2-3 times a week. Heavy doses don't lead to the considerable improving of results.


In days of a training drug is injected right after the training as much as possible to imitate physiological secretion as the natural mechanical factor of growth is selected with an organism in response to damages of fabrics.

Way of introduction: hypodermically by means of the insulin syringe. Intramuscular injections in target muscles are sometimes executed though this approach is deprived of a sense. If the mechanical factor of growth worked locally, then asymmetrical muscle growth (externally same, as was watched when using a sintol). There is a row of examples which demonstrate that the regular introduction to one buttock (because in another to put was inconveniently left hand) during several courses didn't lead to the preferential growth of this buttock, in comparison with another.

Duration of course makes 5-6 weeks.

Sometimes recommend to use medicine in mega-doses to 1000 mkg with a frequency of 3-4 times a week, before the training, however according to responses the end results increase slightly therefore larger doses are inexpedient to be applied.

"Attention" Nepegelirovanny forms isn't recommended to be acquired and used in connection with extremely feeble effect (fails within the first minutes B) proteinase.

Storage conditions: in the refrigerator (2-8C) to protect from direct sunshine.

Expiration date: 2 years. Storage life of the prepared solution of 20-30 days in the refrigerator.


In researches on rats, the single intramuscular injection of MFR led to augmentation of cross-sectional area of a muscle at 25% in three weeks. When using the similar scheme of introduction, the insulinoid factor of body height led to augmentation of cross-sectional area of muscles only at 15%.

Also, it was defined that the mechanical factor of body height is more effective for individuals of young age. The age, the less response of muscular tissue to administration of drug is higher. 

Effects in bodybuilding (audit of scientific sources for 2012)

  • Cooperative experience of use of a mechanical factor of body height showed that the 5 weeks rate of drug causes:
  • Muscular body height at the expense of a hyperplasia (cell fission acceleration), a hypertrophy (augmentation of volume of cells) and extension of their life, at any age
  • Depression fat percent in an organism on average for 5-6%
  • Augmentation of endurance 
  • To enlarge relief of a musculation
  • To raise a venous prorisovannost
  • Body height of new vessels in muscles and bones (Deng M, Wang Y is proved. in 2012) 

Additional effects:

  • Rising of immune protection
  • Improvement of properties of a skin
  • Depression of level of a cholesterin
  • Accelerated restoration 
  • Neuroprotective effect (protects a nervous system) 
  • Stimulation of reproduction of cells of marrow 
  • Suppresses a cellular apoptosis and keeps cordial function after a myocardial infarction 
  • Neogenesis of all body tissues

Side effects

The side effects of a mechanical factor of growth (proved in researches):

  • Bleeding from a nose (it is shown not at all)
  • Swelling in case of subcutaneous injections
  • Itch after an injection
  • Pricking of finger-tips that happens quite seldom.
  • Inhibition of a mineralization and differentiation of osteoblasts 
  • Research Armakolas A, Philippou A. for 2010 confirmed participation of a mechanical factor of growth in biology of a prostate cancer at the person. 
  • Increase of pulse. "Now with synthetic injections of MGF you can increase the pulse and so speed up recovery, and increase the muscle tissue cells by stimulating satelite cells into full maturity."

Quality and counterfeits

Since 2005 the pegylated mechanical factor of growth is available in the black market, and is often purchased on the Internet. The cost downward tendency is observed. To Russia it is most often delivered from China.

As of 2012 counterfeits meet in 90% of cases (this opinion Yu. Bombela also supports) as production of pegylated MGF is very difficult and expensive for this reason original medicines of a similar class are made only in large laboratories and are released at high cost. Besides, lack of marking on bottles can prove once again that they were purchased separately, and then are filled with some neutral powder substance, or it is a banal gonadotrophin without label. Lack of effect in most cases is confirmed by numerous feedbacks at forums. In some situations positive results are explained by effect of placebo, or cheap anabolic means in structure.

If you intend to purchase a mechanical factor of growth, then at the moment it is better to do the order on the checked Chinese websites though the question of quality remains open.

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