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Marijuana: The whole truth!

16 Dec 2016

It has long been asked to make out action of marijuana on the brain and body. We always try to give an objective unbiased information! We do not advocate extreme that Hash is a fierce evil, or "yes everything is absolutely safe!". Extremes make the brain relax. Instead, we offer to string up the gray matter and take a look at this topic a look free of stereotypes and personal prejudices. Subject difficult and provocative, so there will be many references to the research.

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Let us examine the terminology

The difference between marijuana from hemp: hemp, or cannabis - a plant that is used for a variety of purposes: in construction, in the production of shoes, clothes. Marijuana - a psychoactive hemp, ie one that is used to achieve a state of altered consciousness. That is, oak, poplar, and there - and that, and another - the trees, but different. Marijuana - it's like a certain type of tree, and hemp - it's all trees.

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Most likely, you will see that the issue would not know how to make a sweater from hemp, and to understand what happens to the brain and the body, so focus on the "psychoactive hemp."

A little bit of History

Marijuana is used since ancient times - for anybody is not a secret, and there is mention of the Indians, the World War II tube and the tube, there is also the eastern civilizations, by the way, the word "Ganja" has come from the East. You can not even go down in history in the 60-70-ies of many famous people do not hide the fact that smoking marijuana in the United States. Arnold Schwarzenegger did it even on camera).

Arnold and Frankco

In his autobiography, "Total Recall", he described the use of marijuana in the United States as something quite possible that something like a cigarette right now, and even once silly fun of his friend - Franco Columbu. This story is very revealing.

Franco flew to America after a long absence and Arnold as a caring friend, I have decided to arrange a surprise for him! He called not drag Diller, and another friend bodybuilder, that he arranged everything - got the best pot. A friend took, and asked! Attention! his wife, so that she made cupcakes for all) This best describes the attitude towards cannabis at the time - his wife "with love" baked. Arnold met Franco at the airport and they went not into the hall, and other), but they failed to realize that Franco, first bodybuilder, which means a lot of eating, and secondly, he is hungry bodybuilder because only with the aircraft after the flight Atlantic.

In general, Franco, not knowing anything, torpedo all ate, and then half an hour laughing like a horse, because the dog, a friend's house, it seemed ridiculous. Then got intoxication and swelled, became a logo of "Michelin". 2 weeks temperature and then recovered. The last 2 offers for those who like to scream that the "Indian Grass is safe!!!"

How does marijuana

So, consider the process of action on the brain and produce effects from the outset:

  • 1.Suppose a person smokes dry "psychoactive hemp."
  • 2.The smoke contains psychoactive substances - cannabinoids, they together with the smoke into the lungs.
  • 3.For easy lungs approach millions of capillaries, is the smallest blood vessels. Capillaries suck that there is in the lungs, usually oxygen from the air, as in our example - psychoactive substance.
  • 4.Cannabinoids enter the blood and reach the general blood stream of the brain.

What happens to the brain and the body after consumption:

  • 1.It increases the levels of ghrelin and leptin. These hormones regulate appetite and saturation. There's a strange thing that the appetite and at the same time strengthened and weakened. Most likely, the first amplified by ghrelin, and then the body through time creates a balance - increases the production of leptin.
  • 2.It increases blood flow and heart rate. For this reason, marijuana and stimulants can lead to tragic consequences.
  • 3.It increases the production of neurotransmitters - anandamide. This neurotransmitter, in fact, has an effect on the psyche. The more anandamide - the more the suspension of reality. Ie, because of this neurotransmitter, marijuana smokers often leads itself too easily and do-not-care, but sometimes, "sits on infidelity" and is afraid of everything. In both cases there is a detachment from reality.
  • 4.During the reception, enhances the production of dopamine. This is due to the fact that smokers can "get stuck" at some idea. He also improves mood. But long-term, chronic eating, reduced production of dopamine
  • 5.Decreases NMDA-receptor activity. Worse working short-term memory.
  • 6.And now the bomb! Increased expression of the BDNF gene! He is responsible for learning and long-term memory. What is the logic? During smoking, everything associated with memory and learning disability worsens, improves just a fantasy. The body perceives this as a blow and starts immediately, at the genetic level, to enhance memory. He believes that you become stupid in a short time, and pre-prepared reserves! (Improve your brain function with Oxiracetam, Phenylpiracetam, Noopept, Adrafinil.

We need more data!Let's look at some interesting data:

  • 1.Tolerance. In order to maintain the same effect, when taken regularly, a large dosage is required, however, there is evidence that abstinence from marijuana for 4 weeks is sufficient to normalize the activity of cannabinoid receptors.
  • 2.The action on organs. Lungs – there is no statistical relationship with the development of cancer, compared with non-smokers. It is much more likely to develop lung cancer in cigarette smokers. Liver - there is a real risk of increased liver fat, visceral fat, like alcoholics.
  • 3.Hormones, testosterone is reduced to 6 wherein substantially completely restored hours and 24-48 hours, estrogens increase, growth hormone increases insignificantly. If you are a man and you will be smoking every day or every other day - become effeminate.
  • 4.Addiction. Marijuana addictive about 9%, 32% tobacco.
  • 5.Depression. There is no objective data. There is evidence that marijuana helps fight depression, and is, that, on the contrary - drives the depression.
  • 6.Psychosis and schizophrenia. Also there are no objective data.

The legal status of marijuana

Much can be said about its effect on the body and the brain, but it is illegal, there is a risk to get into prison, so good advice - do not risk it. Do not think "I'm not selling, and for personal use, I will not do anything" - will be far-fetched, but it will increase the detection of "crimes". On paper, the drug dealer will be like Al Capone. The more that sit for drugs 21% of all prisoners in Russia. Even on the basis of this fact, and if you go to jail, then 1 to 5, because of the drugs. So think 10 times, or 5 times, if you can do pay money or "cool lawyer", but it is only a ride in the country or elsewhere in Africa.

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The bottom line:

As explained in the article, marijuana - is not evil and not good. Frankly, it does not have almost nothing useful or harmful. It really is certainly not worse than alcohol or cigarettes in terms of physical effects on the body, and in some ways even "better". Its main danger lies not in the dangers, not based, not in a temporary numbness of the brain, and that this psychotropic substances. It acts on the psyche, and the psyche is difficult to measure. Some people use it to recover from some paranoia, while others, on the contrary, become schizophrenic. Probably for this reason, and it is forbidden, because the crazies do not pay taxes.

The article was neither propaganda nor antipropoganda, there are facts - then use your brain) Good luck and see you soon!

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