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Limontar Succinic Acid - Remedy for a Hangover

29 Jan 2017

How much can you drink alcohol that has not started cirrhosis?

The ability to drink a lot without getting drunk for a long time can turn against you, you just can not stop in time, and run the risk of health is much stronger than those who surrender even in the middle of the night. As a result, there comes a sudden and severe intoxication, which continues strong hangover. But the allowable dose of alcohol is not determined by personal feelings, and the average standard per unit of body weight.

Acceptable dose of alcohol per day, which will not be toxic - 19 grams of pure alcohol for the brain, and 90 grams of liver. This means that you can drink today is the amount of alcohol, but I repeat, not earlier than four days, as your body needs time to recover. But if you have a hereditary tendency to alcoholism, then 200 ml sorokagradusnuyu alcohol two to three times a week for three years for the development of dependence will be enough.

The maximum allowed for liver alcohol dose per month - 586 grams. This is the amount that it can neutralize and does not change its functional performance. This does not mean that your liver so the load will pass unnoticed: the ability of the liver during life neutralize toxins due to the properties of its cells constantly updated. But the ruthless exploitation of hepatocytes do not have time to recover, and this is primarily reflected in blood biochemical indicators. At that moment, when cirrhosis starts, you do not feel anything, because most liver parenchyma, which is most affected by the devastation, there are no pain receptors, and the possibility of surviving cells to compensate for the function of dead is quite high.

To reduce the toxic effect of alcohol makes use of citric acid and succinic acid. This biologically active substances which accelerate the metabolism and contribute to the neutralization of toxins in the body. The drug Limontar contains both acids in optimal proportions. If you take it in the process of alcohol, the intoxication level decrease, and the hangover the morning comes. When gastric hyperacidity, erosive gastritis, the risk of stomach ulcers and duodenal ulcers, consult the possibility to use the drug with your doctor. You can also like Biotredin.

If you find it difficult to stop and not to drink more than the permissible norms, therefore craving for alcohol is very strong, and you risk to leave the booze. Overcoming this will help Biotredin - a modern drug to ease the process of abstinence from alcohol and improving brain function. Within 15 minutes you will feel its effect, and will be much easier to switch to other thoughts. In addition to direct assistance in the fight against addiction, Biotredin helps to reduce the effects of alcohol on the body and restore its function.

Thus, the full answer to the question "how much you can drink without harm" is not, as a toxic effect of alcohol in each case depends on heredity, sharing features, the original state of health. In order not to hurt yourself, we recommend you stick to the lower threshold of acceptable standards.

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