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12 Dec 2016

Ligandrol (Ligandrol or Anablicum, the laboratory code of LGD-4033) - the selective modulator of androgenic receptors (SARMs) developed by the Ligand Pharmaceuticals company for treatment of such conditions as muscular atrophies and osteoporosis.

LGD-4033 differs in high degree of selectivity (Ki ~ 1nM) and about 4 times more powerfully on anabolic action in comparison with ostariny.

Ligandrol is available in the black market in the form of solution (10 mg/ml). Half-life period of 24-36 hours. Please pay attention to Cerebramin.

In bodybuilding recommended doses of ligandrol constitute 5-10 mg a day within 8 weeks. Then performing postcourse therapy is required.

According to a research ligandrol in 21 days of acceptance (inside, every day after a dinner) significantly increased amount of dry muscle bulk. The average increase constituted about 1,5 kg of muscle bulk in case of a dosage of 1 mg a day. At the same time influence on fatty weight wasn't noted.

Side effects

According to the research Basaria S. and coauthors on 76 healthy people (21-50 year) receiving LGD-4033 in doses 0.1, 0.3 or 1.0 mg for 21 days, connection didn't cause side effects, had a favorable pharmacokinetic profile. In the previous tests лигандрол didn't cause collateral reactions in a single dose of 22 mg.

Ligandrol didn't influence the level of hemoglobin, prostates - a specific anti-gene, nuclear heating plant, ALT and QT an interval on the cardiogram. Nevertheless, suppression of secretion of testosterone connecting sex hormones of globulin, LPNP and triglycerides was noted. Essential decrease in FSG and testosterone was observed only in a dose of 1 mg. After treatment cancellation hormonal changes came back to reference values approximately in 1 month.

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