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Ladasten at Asthenia

07 Feb 2017

Asthenia (Greek -. Impotence, weakness) - a pathological condition, the main manifestations of which are characterized by increased exhaustion of mental functions (fatigue, tiredness, weakness). Actually asthenic manifestations, as a rule, accompanied by:

anxiety, irritability, emotional instability - manifestations of emotional stress
headaches, sweating, feeling disruptions of the heart and other manifestations of autonomic dysfunction
difficulty falling asleep, nighttime sleep surface, lack of a sense of cheerfulness after a night's sleep - sleep disturbances

Asthenic conditions may develop in any person. Its development may contribute to mental stress, fatigue, lack of sleep, various infectious and somatic diseases.

Asthenic violations are widespread and can be observed in virtually all diseases. Up to 25% of patients attending general practitioners, complain of long ustalost1,2, and 18.3% - on chronic ustalost3.

Treatment of asthenic disorders is a difficult problem. This is due to the fact that in asthenic disorders, fatigue, usually combined in anxiety, irritability and sleep disturbances. Therefore, when using typical drugs stimulating type of action in patients with asthenic states often have sleep disturbances, increased anxiety, autonomic disorders. When using tranquilizers enhanced weakness and drowsiness. The therapeutic effect of herbal remedies and nootropics develops slowly, but when chronic administration. Ladasten, unlike the above-mentioned drugs, act quickly, comprehensively affects all manifestations of fatigue. This Ladasten does not cause excessive stimulation of addiction and dependence.

Efficiency Ladasten the treatment of asthenic conditions of different genesis proven in clinical studies, including randomized, placebo-controlled studies.

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