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L-glycine - Why was the teenager skipping school

02 Feb 2017

Changes in the behavior of the teenager put you in a dead end: until recently it was cute and naughty, and now is rude and does not want to make contact. By observations of teachers were added absenteeism school and the reasons for regular absences can not figure out the lessons. How can parents be in this case?

Age of puberty brings a lot of difficulties in the child's life, and which are caused by physiological and psychological changes. Hormonal Storm and frequent lack of understanding with the parents put the teenager in a very vulnerable position. He was actively pursuing its rights, but is not yet ready to take responsibility for their actions. The decision not to go to class - this is an attempt to influence on his life, which previously could be done only by adults.

What could be the direct cause of school absenteeism

The conflict with the teacher. Ability to solve conflicts - not the strongest side of the teenagers. At this age, children tend to go to extremes and deliberately to enhance the emotions: it is one of the tools of self-knowledge. Negativism makes to refuse any assistance to solve problems. As a result, the easiest solution seems to be the choice of not going to school. Please pay attention to Glycine.

Harassment, beatings. Very rarely teenager will complain of physical or moral violence at school. In special cases it can lead to suicide. Therefore, parents should be alert to any changes in the behavior and appearance of your child, keep in touch with teachers and classmates parents.

The lack of motivation to learn. The school curriculum is rarely really interesting students. Usually, success in studies are due to the efforts of volitional control of the child and with the parents. In search of meaning between a teenager can be concluded that school attendance does not bring him any good, especially if it has already outlined the narrow circle of their own interests.

Fear of looking bad in front of classmates. If an object is given by a child with difficulty, then it is likely absenteeism. In adolescence, it is important peer approval, and if there is personal sympathy to someone in the class, the need for approval is significantly increased.

Physical and psychological weakness. Teen gets tired much more than a child or an adult, it would seem, from a perfectly simple things. Physiological and psychological reorganization take a lot of effort, and to overcome the inherent weakness of man has no resources. If you understand this feature of your growing child, it will be easier to help him.

How to help your teen deal with school problems

Try by all means to establish contact with the child. Most likely the situation could be resolved by means of agreements, but it is important to parents to show all possible flexibility. Be on the side of your child in the discussion of problems with teachers: this is the best proof that you wish him well, and the child is now your protection is particularly important.

If you have trouble understanding the material, it's time to hire a tutor. The ability to show off knowledge will increase self-esteem, the child becomes more confident, and the desire to go to school will be.

Relieving psychological and hormonal changes will help the daily intake of L-glycine. An amino acid that protects the nervous system during stress, and in certain quantities may be synthesized in the body. In adolescence the need for L-glycine significantly increased, but the own resources for the synthesis of the amino acids at the teenager enough. The preparation contains the amino acid glycine similar to that produced by the body. Daily round glycine intake helps to soften the crisis for the youth of the teenager and his parents.

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