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28 Jan 2017

How to talk with elderly parents?

When our strong and beautiful parents grow old, we are sad and do not want to accept the inevitable. We are still their children and want them to remain our heroes. And here we cease to control themselves in the conversation, making comments at every opportunity, irritated, avoid intercourse or conflicting. But at this time our parents need loving and caring adults we are.

If you regularly calls up on the phone - specify one time when this will occur. Often, it is the unexpected call "weather" during the working day or an important meeting can cause severe irritation. You can take the initiative and call first at one and the same time convenient for you. For the system to work, it is important to always perform this promise.Arranging meetings with parents, inform in advance how much time can be (how many will come, and when you plan to leave), who will be with you as you want to spend this time. "I plan to call the week" - is very uncertain, every day stress in waiting will increase, as a result of the conflict could erupt because of a carelessly spoken word.Words in communication with elderly mother and father have a lot of weight. Try to talk more about his warm feelings - "love," "hug," "miss", "mommy," "daddy". These simple, but for many people uncomfortable, the words able to significantly improve communication with any grumblers.Upon meeting and parting always hug and kiss their parents. It may just be a formal gesture, but it magically changes everything. You can also like Mildronate.

If the mother complains about his health, and thus disclaims all forms of assistance - take this with understanding. Most likely, for her trip to the hospital for examination it is a great stress pills - an additional concern. It you want to prolong her life, to be around longer, and it has the right to choose calm. Complaints are not a guide to action, but simply asking for sympathy. So the little children come to her mother, so she kissed the bruised knee, and not in order to get the iodine dose to abrasion.

Sometimes it is necessary to briefly disconnect from the conversation, not to take the entire flow of words, while remaining outwardly attentive. So it will be easier to cope with growing irritation, when what you hear, you do not like or tired. Try to transfer the subject, and if not, switch the attention of parents on any other action: to communicate with their grandchildren, to help find some a lost thing.
Do not try to persuade the parents in their views, no matter how wrong they may seem to you. It is a futile exercise, but in the process you can really move away, because your generation separates the gulf. Your life is different from that of your parents at the time of their youth, when their minds are formed, so looking at things and phenomena will be different. In fact, the only thing that matters in your relationship - is the close relationship and love.

Try not to communicate with parents in times of severe psychological stress, better move the meeting. At this time, you have little power to control their emotions and words, and relationships can be complicated by unexpectedly. Do not forget that you may need support. In those periods when you feel that you find it difficult to cope with irritation, take a tablet l glutamic acid. L glutamic acid is considered part of the nervous tissue, and long-term psychological stress the need for it increases several times. Glycine drug is rapidly absorbed and stimulates the production of self-glycine in the future.

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