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L-cystine, L-glutamine benefits for Heart

12 Feb 2017

Eltacin. To the heart become stronger

Alas, the years take their, and our hearts, as we are also gradually starting to get old and tired. Constant stress and fatigue, heat and atmospheric pressure - all this creates a heavy load on the heart. Even it does not always stand up for young people. But it is especially difficult for older and, in particular, those who suffer from coronary heart disease (CHD). Weakness, shortness of breath, palpitations, edema - the first signals that the heart can not cope with the load. Apparently, you are experiencing age-related changes, and weather conditions just strengthened the body's response to these processes.

You ask about Eltacin. So, this drug Eltacin helps to normalize the heart and reduce the oxygen starvation of tissues. It consists of a mixture of amino acids (glycine, L-glutamic acid, L-cystine) / As metabolism regulator, a drug normalizes redox processes and the use of oxygen in tissues. Action Eltacin very soft, because it affects the cells on a molecular level. Due to the formation of heart muscle energy required medication can improve its operations and increase the contractile ability of our motor. You can also like Bonomarlot.

Studies have shown that when taken regularly the drug has a chance to decrease shortness of breath, rapid heart rate returned to normal, it is possible to perform an active physical work, which very recently seemed excessive.

Treatment Eltacin desirable to begin in the early stages of disease development. At the same time with this medication can not only significantly facilitate the patient's condition, improve the quality of human life, suffering from heart failure, but also gradually reduce the dose of the heart by means of traditional therapies adopted in treatment of coronary artery disease. On the recommendation of a doctor receiving Eltacin course may be repeated.

Eltacin has not only cardio but also meteorological protective effect - helps reduce meteosensitivity and, hence, the risk of cardiovascular complications. To remove the excess stress and improve mental performance in parallel can be recommended to take Glycine. Place the tablet under the tongue first Eltacin and 10-15 minutes after dissolving the tablet glycine.

Take care of your heart, and be healthy!

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