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Klomid (clomifene) or nolvadecs (tamoxifen), what is better?

15 Dec 2016

In this article we will try to resolve doubts concerning the choice between two medicines, and also to find differences: klomid or nolvadecs.

Clomifene citrate (Klomid is available in drugstores under trademarks of Klostilbegit) and tamoxifen (a trade name of Nolvadeks) are the anti-estrogen belonging to one group of trifeniletilen. They are structurally similar and classified as selective modulators of estrogenic receptors with the mixed agonistichesky and antagonistic properties. It means that in certain fabrics they block effect of estrogen by linkng with receptors while in other fabrics can work as this estrogen, activating receptors. At men both medicines work as anti-estrogen in the capability to disturb negative feedback of estrogen on a hypothalamus and to stimulate the increased development of GnRH (gonadoliberin). Development of hormone will be as a result increased by hypophysis that in turn can increase testosterone development by testicles. It is done by both medicines, but for some reason bodybuilders continue to think that only clomid is good for testosterone stimulation.

The researchers conducted in the late seventies in University of Ghent in Belgium clear up benefits of a nolvadeks before klomid in increase in level of testosterone. Researchers considered effect of a nolvadeks and klomid on endocrine system of healthy men as well as those who suffered from small quantity of spermatozoa (oligospermia). Also it was revealed that Nolvadeks when using within 10 days in a dosage of 20 mg a day increased testosterone level in serum by 142% of initial level that was comparable with effect of 150 mg of klomid in day for the same period of time (increase in level of testosterone was a little, but it isn't essential, it is more with klomid). We shall remember that it is effect of three 50 mg of tablets of klomid. In case of approximately identical price of 50 mg of klomid and 20 mg of nolvadeks we already see a difference in the relation price/result for benefit of nolvadeks.

Klomid (clomifene) or nolvadecs (tamoxifen): differences

Klomid (Klomid) affects receptors of estrogen in hypophysis and ovaries. Tying receptors of estrogen in a hypophysis, klomid breaks off the mechanism of negative feedback i.e. if usually estrogen, influencing a hypophysis, reduce development of FSG and LG, then at reception of klomid of it doesn't occur. Directly in blood klomid doesn't affect the level of estrogen.

Nolvadecs (tamoxifen) also doesn't affect the level of estrogen in blood since the mechanism of his action comes down to blockade too of estrogen receptors including in hypophysis. Nevertheless, klomid is more selective (selective) blocker, and nolvadeks is less selective. If klomid contacts estrogenic receptors mainly in hypophysis and testicles, then nolvadecs contacts them practically in all organism. An exception is the bone tissue where klomid and tamoxifen on the contrary activate estrogen receptors.

Klomid (clomifene)

Thus, klomid acts as the antagonist of estrogen and eliminates their oppressing action on a hypothalamus and hypophysis, promoting faster restoration of their function. Nolvadecs, blocks receptors almost in all fabrics, and also promotes that the organism has begun to restore own testosterone. It is important to note that nolvadecs is capable to block receptors of estrogen in hypophysis to a lesser extent, than klomid. You can try Koramine.

Clomifene and tamoxifen don't influence metabolism of estrogenic hormones therefore against the background of reception of these means estrogen continues to collapse liver enzymes, but don't collect in an organism.

Tamoxifen possesses shortcomings: quite toxic (sometimes it is shown by loss of appetite and nausea, the risk of thromboses increases). Tamoxifen increases the number of receptors of progesterone therefore it can't be applied if the rate is constructed on a basis the progesti medicines (nandrolon, trenbolone). In this case it is necessary to use clomifene.

General conclusion

"Attention" of Nolvadeks (tamoxifen) is more preferable option, in comparison with Klomid (clomifene) because:

  • Despite smaller impact on hypophysis, Tamoxifen possesses the same capability to recover testosterone level, as well as Klomid
  • Tamoxifen blocks effect of estrogen in all organism, including in a hypophysis and a hypothalamus, it means that it will promote not only to recovery of secretion of testosterone, but also to interfere with a liquid delay in an organism.
  • Tamoxifen is much cheaper, than Klomid
  • Tamoxifen reduces cholesterol level that is urgent in case of the use of steroids
  • Klomid increases the level of globulin which contacts testosterone that negatively is reflected in a set of weight.

Common faults

  • Both medicines oppress products of insulin like factor of growth-1
  • Directly suppress function of testicles
  • Raise the globulin connecting sex hormones
  • Increase concentration of estrogen several times
  • Cause violations of sight in case of prolonged use

How and when to accept Nolvadeks (tamoxifen)

During the course make the most efficient use of aromataza inhibitors among which it is especially popular proviron as this medicine doesn't influence negatively secretion of hormone of growth and increases concentration of anabolic hormones in blood due to aromatization suppression. Last week of a rate and 2 weeks later it is necessary to use Tamoxifen as the main PCT component in the absence of a proviron, the beginning of acceptance of Nolvadeks falls on the 2nd week of a steroid cycle, and the average dose of 10-20 mg a day comes to an end 2-3 weeks later after the termination of a cycle. It would be desirable to pay special attention on a popular belief when anti-estrogen recommends to drink after a cycle. Level of estrogen increases at the end of the first week of a cycle therefore from this point it is necessary to begin acceptance!

"Attention" If anabolic medicines which aren't subject to aromatization are used need for inhibitors of an aromataza disappears whereas tamoxifen joins only at the end of a rate. Give the best courses of steroids in more detail.

Doping information

These medicines are entered in the list of the forbidden doping means. Time of detection makes 3-6 months depending on a way of detection.

Analogs of klomid

  • Clomifene
  • Tablet citrate clomifene
  • Klostilbegit (Egis, Hungary)
  • Serofen
  • Pergotaym
  • Serpafar
  • Promifen Alpha Pharma
  • Clomed Balkan Pharmaceuticals
  • Clomid capsules British Dispensary
  • Clomitabs G-Tech Pharmaceuticals
  • Clomiphene Genesis
  • Clomidol Lyka Labs
  • Clomifene Radjay Pharmaceuticals
  • Clomiver Vermodje

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