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Isotonic drinks

25 Oct 2016

It is considered that isotonic drinks promote maintenance of optimum balance of liquid in an organism and in the best way compensate losses of electrolytes.

Concept about isotonic liquid

In medicine isotonic, or isosmotic, call the liquid having osmotic pressure same as at blood plasma. The phenomenon of an osmosis consists in the following: if to separate a permeable membrane two water solutions with different composition, i.e. to create a substance concentration gradient on a diaphragm, water will pass from one camera into another at the expense of a difference of osmotic pressure. The similar phenomenon takes place in an organism where the role of baffles is executed by cellular diaphragms. Liquids, plasma, don't change osmotic pressure of blood — therefore, don't cause change of concentration of electrolytes. This their property is used in case of manufacture of different medical supplies. For example, in case of intravenous administration apply isotonic solution of chloride sodium (0,92%) to diluting of drugs. Glucose solution with concentration of 4,5% also plasma.

What relation it has to sport? The matter is that in case of the raised loading the organism loses the significant amount of liquid. Urine and sweat, i.e. osmotic pressure of these liquids are less, than plasmas. And still with them, in addition to water, a quantity of salts leaves. As a result of insufficient water inflow concentration of the substances dissolved in plasma increases that negatively influences the course of the processes connected to blood. Increase in viscosity of blood overloads cardiovascular system. Gas exchange in capillaries worsens. Outflow of water from cells begins that hinders course in them different biochemical responses. Loss already leads 2 — 3% of water in comparison with a norm to sharp lowering of working capacity. Intensive sweating, besides, breaks balance of electrolytes.

In principle consumption of isotonic liquid has to be more useful, than pure drink, for several reasons. First of all the isotonic liquid coming to an organism theoretically supports constant composition of blood and at the same time makes up for losses of electrolytes with then and urine (if she contains salts of sodium and potassium). In addition, she to a lesser extent makes active the diuresis mechanism, i.e. doesn't speed up an urination. However it only in the theory...

Walls of cages — not just a membrane. In them active processes of transfer of various substances, including against a gradient proceed (from area with smaller concentration of molecules of substance to the area with their bigger concentration). Transfer of ions of sodium, potassium and calcium by means of the so-called ionic pump is most studied. Kidneys detain a part of the substances dissolved in plasma and send them back to blood. Absorption of liquids in intestines also doesn't submit to simple regularities of osmosis.

Besides the izotonichnost can achieve in the different ways. Osmotic pressure depends both on concentration, and on the molecular mass of the dissolved substance. 0,92% solutions of chloride sodium and 4,5% solution of glucose mentioned above are suitable for intravenous administration of drugs because in this case we deal with local change of volume of blood which will be liquidated (due to absorption) through a short period. However so far as concerns long regulation of liquid exchange within all organism, and volumes of the entered and removed liquid make up to several liters a day, it is necessary to consider also balance of salts. The solution containing only maltodextrin can be izotonichny, but he won't provide completion of losses of electrolytes and won't absolutely correctly affect a diuresis while water with salts will slow down washing away of electrolytes from an organism a little. Therefore, careful selection of structure is necessary that (you learn about it further) is carried out not always. Do not forget take Meldonium for better results.

It is necessary to consider that optimum absorption of water is characteristic of hypotonic liquids, and isotonics are soaked up rather slowly. Therefore, not "fast completion of losses" as authors of advertizing brochures declare, and slow and constant takes place.

Structure of isotonic drinks

The isotonic drinks existing now contain a quantity of salts (sodium, potassium, magnesium), glucose polymers (dextrins, maltodextrins). As a rule, concentration of carbohydrates in them is close to 4,5%. Besides, in commercial drinks there are salts of magnesium, potassium and other minerals, vitamins; sometimes at them there are various dietary supplements, and also fragrances and flavoring substances.

Despite statements of producers for "balance of structure", these drinks not always really meet requirements of an organism. The greatest complaints are caused by availability in some of them of such sweeteners as to atsesulfa and saccharin. These substances are similar on the chemical composition, have identical unpleasant smack and are suspected of carcinogenicity. Nevertheless they continue to be used — because of low cost.

Any drink with atsesulfamy or saccharin can't be recommended for the fixed use!

Presence of glucose can be useful if drink is used for cost recovery of a glycogen; however in this case the amount of sugars containing in it aren't enough. Besides glucose has a high glycemic index and consequently, causes sharp "peak" of insulin. Drinks with dextrins, however are more suitable for this purpose and they can't provide enough carbohydrates, i.e. lose in comparison with hyper osmotic carbohydrate drinks. Often as sweetener fructose which is more sweet than regular sugar is used and has a smaller glycemic index, but some people, alas, don't transfer it.

Also side effects — for example, gastrointestinal frustration are possible. A lot of things depend on careful matching of structure of drink, and individual reaction of an organism. For example, caffeine-diuretic (and consequently, even isotonic kofeinsoderzhashchy drink) strengthens a diuresis; besides this substance irritates stomach walls. The intolerance of some dextrins accompanied with a diarrhea is observed. Too sour drink will cause violations of work of a stomach in people with the increased acidity (lemon acid is a part of many sports drinks).

The main objective of isotonics — to provide uniform supply of an organism with liquid. Against the background of acceptance of vitamin and mineral complexes they have no advantages as sources of vitamins and minerals. However they can become an additional source of carbohydrates, without replacing more traditional — firm food and proteinaceous and carbohydrate cocktails.

Unfortunately, not all producers completely open structure of a product, however in drinks of different firms many components are identical.

Multipower (Germany)

Fit Aktiv. The isotonic refreshing drink. Contains glucose, maltodextrin, vitamins.

Release forms:

dry concentrate in cans on 400 g (on 10 l);

liquid concentrate in bottles of 500 ml (on 10 l).

Taste: a tropic, grapefruit, a peach with passion fruit, a lemon, cherry, red orange, apple, cold tea, mint.

Ready drink is produced in bottles on 0,5 and 1,5 l on which for convenience there are batchers.

Taste: grapefruit, cherry, tropical fruit.

It can be used as nutritious drink. It should be used after the training though it is possible also prior to it. (Data on influence of simple sugars on working capacity are contradictory. If they help you, you shouldn't refuse them).

Shortcoming: lack of mineral salts.

Fit Aktiv +L-carnitine

Concentrate for preparation of isotonic drink with lipotropny effect. Contains a carnitine, mineral substances, vitamins (groups B, C, E, PP, folic acid) and a dextrose.

Release forms:

powder in banks and packets on 500 g (on 10 l of drink); in one bank — 20 g of a carnitine; pineapple aroma;

liquid extract in bottles on 500 ml (on 10 l of drink); in one bottle — 20 g of a carnitine.

It is suitable for acceleration of combustion of fat in the period of a strict diet. The use should be limited not to exceed a recommended daily dose of a carnitine.

Shortcomings, lack of a product, ready to use; need of dilution — besides that packaging of a concentrate is expected large volume.


Isotonic. Contains monohydrate of creatine, glucose, fructose, maltodextrin, magnesium and B1 vitamin.

Release form:

powder in banks on 500 g (on 10 l); in one bank — 50 g of creatine; lemon aroma.

It can be used during intense trainings for strengthening of "volyumization" of muscle cells; i.e. inflow of liquid to them. The creatine combination to the carbohydrates having various glycemic indexes does this drink by good means of completion of losses of carbohydrates after the long training on endurance. You shouldn't use a day more than 1 l of drink (5 g of creatine are equivalent) because of possible problems with kidneys. For additional "loading" use creatine in capsules — it will cost a little cheaper.

Advantages: availability of creatine and number of mineral substances.

Preparation Nedostatki:trudnost; creatine in solution can collapse in case of storage.

Red Kick

The stimulating drink. Contains guarana extract, caffeine; minerals (potassium, calcium, magnesium); vitamins (groups B, C, E, PP, folic acid, beta carotene); maltodextrin and dextrose.

Release forms:

liquid concentrate in bottles on 330 ml;

powder in banks and packets on 500 g (on 10 l of drink).

Taste: wild strawberry, red orange.

It is recommended for removal of exhaustion, increase in working capacity.

Be careful: the combination of net pharmaceutical caffeine with "natural" (from a guarana) is very effective, and in case of overdose there can be problems connected with excitement.

Advantages availability of the stimulating effect; presence I am glad vitamins and minerals.

Shortcomings: lack of drink in finished form.

Inkospor (Germany)

Kingstar Grapefruit-Lemon

Isotonic drink with fruit juice (not less than 6%). In 100 ml contains: 18 kcal; protein (less than 0,1 g); carbohydrates (4,2 g); fats (less than 0,1 g); vitamin C (9 mg); RR vitamin (2,7 mg); vitamin E (1,5 mg); pantothenic acid (0,9 mg); B6 vitamin (0,3 mg); B2 vitamin (0,24 mg); Bj vitamin (0,21 mg); M (30 mkg); N (0,023 mg); B12 vitamin (0,15 mkg).

Packings on 330 ml.

Sweeteners: atsesulfa. Contains fructose, citric acid, potassium citrate, magnesium carbonate, natural fragrances.

Because of the maintenance of an atsesulfam and a tsiklamat you shouldn't recommend this drink for the daily use. For the rest structure quite average.

Optimum Nutrition Thermo Xelerator (USA)

On structure the hypertensive person though in case of dilution by water (in the ratio), almost isotonic drink turns out 1:2.

Packaging form: bottles on 454 ml. Contains: 160 kcal, carbohydrates (40 g), guarana extract (1000 mg), ginger extract (100 mg), carnitine (100 mg), pepper (extract?) (50 g), pikolinat it is lame (200 mkg); and also fructose, sorbate of potassium and benzoate of sodium.

Aroma: strawberry and punch. Fragrances — natural and artificial.

Energy drink. It can be used for increase in a tone before a training. Due to content of biologically active agents from ginger and pepper, and also caffeine (guaran) possesses strong thermogene action. Need of dilution is caused by high concentration of active components.

Advantages: availability of thermogene substances and caffeine, vitamins.

Shortcoming: purely too concentrated.

Isotonic drink of own production

Using the concentrates for preparation of drinks containing carbohydrates and mineral salts you can make isotonic drinks independently. Main requirement: concentration of carbohydrates shall be within 4,4 — 4,6%.

It is also possible to receive isotonic from regular food raw materials. For example, compotes on structure can be izotonichna (you will find exact calculation in recipe-books).

Thus, isotonic drinks aren't "means for all occasions" and shall be used with particular purposes (it is impossible to drink them as water!), taking into account content in them various components. The basic need in liquid needs to be satisfied at the expense of mineral water, liquid dairy products and juice.

Natural isotonics

Natural isotonics, the best of which coconut water is considered, are especially distinguished from isotonic drinks. In fact, it is natural juice of young coconut. The value of coconut water as isotonic is caused by its electrolytic balance, close on structure to blood plasma. It is necessary to mention that some time ago coconut water was used for completion of amount of blood to seriously injured fighters during wars.

Thanks to it and other properties coconut water became widespread isotonic and fitness drink in the USA and Europe.

Except isotonic properties coconut water possesses still a number of useful characteristics: low caloric content, 0% of fat and cholesterol, without sugar addition, the high content of potassium, contributes to normalization of weight and weight loss (thanks to content of laurinovy acid).

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