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21 Oct 2016

Ipamorelin - belongs to group of peptide hormones, strengthens secretion of hormone of growth and imitating action of a grelin in an organism. Doesn't cause considerable change of appetite.

Distinctive property of Ipamorelin is the greater influence on stimulation of production of the growth hormone (GH) what when using other GHRP (growth hormone a rileasing hormones), and also preservation natural production of hormone of growth with peaks in certain hours. Ipamorelin treats the last generation of hormones of stimulators of production of hormone of growth (GHRP).


Release of hormone of growth is connected as with suppression of a somatostatin (the hormone which is slowing down secretion of GR) and direct stimulation of emission of hormone of growth from a forward share of a hypophysis, as well as in a case with GHRP-6

Course and doses

The most effective dosage in the majority of researches on GHRPs (GHRP-6, GHRP-2, Ipamorelin & Hexarelin) is determined as 100 mkg or 1mkg/kg which is entered 2-3 times a day, hypodermically

It means that 100 mkg of substance will load hypophysis receptors almost completely, but if you add 100 more mkg, then the effect will be vyrazhenny only for 25-50% of an initial dose. Further increase in a dose will lead to smaller strengthening of the anabolic and lipolitichesky effect reached in bodybuilding.

Ipamorelin acts synergy (multiplies effect) when using jointly with GHRH growth hormone stimulators: CJC-1295 or GRF(1-29). The combination allows to achieve not only the best result, but also to save means.

Ipamorelin also differs in the fact that being so effective in growth hormone development stimulation as GHRP-6, it even in case of higher doses (more than 100 mkg) practically doesn't stimulate development of Prolactinum and cortisol. You can try Meldonium

Preparation and storage of solution

It is necessary to cool a bottle to room temperature, then to enter necessary amount of water for injections (which shall flow down on a bottle wall) and to stir the rotating movements (not to shake). Solution is quite stable. The storage duration in the refrigerator constitutes 20-25 days without freezing.

Comparison with analogs

GHRP-6 in a dose of 100 mkg too practically doesn't cause stimulation of development of Prolactinum and cortisol, but can cause it in higher doses. Has the same capability to stimulate secretion of GR as Ipamorelin.

GHRP-2 is a little more effective than GHRP-6 concerning development of GR, but in case of a dosage of 100 mkg and can stimulate development of Prolactinum and cortisol noticeably above. Their level will be still within a regulation though in case of dosages of 200 - 400 mkg of GHRP-2 the level of cortisol and Prolactinum can exceed a regulation.

Hexarelin is the most effective of all GHRP on growth hormone development stimulation force. However an upward potential the level of cortisol and Prolactinum at it also the highest. Even in case of a dosage in 100 mkg concentration of cortisol and Prolactinum in blood considerably increases.

Proceeding from all aforesaid, Ipamorelin is the best choice at the moment from all GHRP in respect of safety even in case of high dosages. This peptide practically doesn't strengthen development of cortisol and Prolactinum, but at the same time is expressed activates GR products. 

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