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09 Dec 2016

Iodine is an important microcell which controls a metabolism and allows to increase immunity.

In bodybuilding iodine is appreciated its capability to support function of a thyroid gland which hormones (òèðîêñèí, triiodtironin) reduce fat percent in an organism and increase intensity of trainings, however excess of iodine can suppress development of tiroksin. Special significance is attached to iodine in Russia as the most part of the population receives less it with food.

Iodine in food. Content of iodine in regular foodstuff is small - 4-15 mkg of %. However sea fish contains about 70 mkg of %, in cod liver - to 800 mkg of %, in a sea cabbage depending on a type and the term of collection - 50-70000 mkg of %. But it is necessary to consider that in case of long-term storage and thermal treatment of food a considerable part of iodine (20-60%) is lost. Content of iodine in land plants and animal products strongly depends on its quantity in the soil. Therefore for the prevention of disease add a small amount of iodide of potassium to table salt (25 mg on 1 kg of salt). A storage duration of such salt no more than 6 months as in case of storage iodine disappears. You can also like Ovariamin.

Purchase of expensive additives with iodine is considered unjustified because the necessary amount of iodine can be received from regular iodinated salt.

Recommended doses

The need for iodine fluctuates within 50-200 mkg/days.

In case of insufficiency of iodine disease develops. Children of school age are especially sensitive to a lack of iodine. Excess of iodine leads to weakening of synthesis of iodide connections in a thyroid gland and to emergence of a hypothyroidism.

Content in food

Content of iodine in some foodstuff in the USA (1982 — 1989)

Product / Content of iodine, mkg for the portion

Flakes for a breakfast 87

Milk desserts 70

Fish 57

Milk 56

Dairy products 49

Eggs 27

Bread 27

Beans, peas, tuber crops 17

Meat 16

Bird 15

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