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Insulin for put on weight and force

09 Dec 2016

One of the most potent and multipurpose hormones in a human body is insulin. It enlarges consumption and use of a glucose cells, including muscle cells, possesses anabolic action (construction of tissues), promoting protein synthesis, and also insulin provides a set of muscle bulk and force. But at the same time it stimulates fat synthesis.

In the medical purposes insulin is applied to treatment of a diabetes mellitus — a difficult disease at which or the pancreas doesn't develop enough insulin (Diabetum of the 1st type), or the organism incorrectly uses it (Diabetum of the 2nd type). Sick Diabetum of the 1st type insulin injections are required, these injections can be also required by some patients with badly controlled Diabetum 2 types. In the USA the diabetes mellitus takes the seventh place among the population mortality reasons, and the number of the diseased totals about 11 million people.

In circles of body builders in the 1980th years insulin attracted fixed interest when the achrestic body builder who had diabetes won several large tournaments and won to itself fame. Absolutely healthy, not having diabetes body builders began to experiment with insulin to check its ability to accelerate a set of weight. Thus he joined ranks of chemical drugs for strength athletes. Please pay attention to Koramine.

Body builders and other "security officers" argued so that if insulin enlarges entering in a glucose organism, then it will probably be able to provide the maximum accumulation of a glycogen in muscles. But they were mistaken: there are no scientific confirmations to this assumption. Besides, it is well known that you can supply an organism with the large volume of a glycogen if you follow a high-carbohydrate diet. To all other, there are no data demonstrating that insulin influences body height of muscles.

Side effects

All these experiments with insulin is quite dangerous invention. Injections of insulin or other synthetic hormone for the purpose of accumulation of muscle bulk are capable to damage seriously your natural hormonal balance and to lead to the whole bunch of diseases. Plus to it exists probability of development of insulinic shock which occurs when too high dose of insulin is entered. It can lead to a loss of consciousness or a stroke, Other possible complication is the hypoglycemia is a state when Saccharum in a blood falls to a dangerous mark. Symptoms of such disturbance include a tremor and sweating, and in extreme cases convulsions and a loss of consciousness.

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