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If Are There Mentally Healthy People?

08 Nov 2016

About different approaches to the understanding of mental norm.

This question is directly related to the problem of health and disease. There are different approaches to understanding the psychological norm. For example, representatives of the psychoanalytic school, which owes its beginning to see all Sigmund Freud, believed that the level of human development is on the line from neurosis to psychosis, that is the most mentally healthy people - neurotics. These are people who have internal conflicts and the need to visit a psychoanalyst. But at the same time they do not have problems with the understanding and testing the reality they mature defense mechanisms work. In general, neurotic good functioning in life, but still experience certain psychological suffering.

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If we talk about the clinical treatment of this problem, the normal psychological state - it is a condition that does not require a trip to the doctor. When a person may experience unpleasant emotions, but it continues to function normally and does not need treatment to a psychiatrist, I can say that he is mentally normal.

The third is related to the interpretation of existential-humanistic views of man, and it differs mental and psychological health. When we talk about psychological health, we mean not only the absence of psychiatric symptoms, such as anxiety, depression, and certain psychological characteristics of personality which make it healthy. In particular, the ability to self-development, the ability to create close relationships with others, the ability to be autonomous and have a good time, both in society and in loneliness, self-esteem, the ability to consider life as a certain life project that makes sense. These are the characteristics that make a person a good life. This interpretation is based psychological understanding of mental health.

If there are mentally healthy people? Of course, they are. But when we talk about health and illness, we can not consider it in dichotomous terms. If each one of us measured by a particular scale:. Depression, anxiety, hostility, aggressiveness, etc. - it is more likely if the person will respond honestly, each of us will be at some point on the scale of depression, any point on the scale of anxiety. But the value of these points, most people do not have the clinical severity. There is another issue: whether to wait for the point of your aggression or depression will become symptomatic, or, if a person feels deteriorating psychological condition, you should think how to help themselves?

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