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I want to sleep all the time - what to do? Methods of dealing with sleep

26 Oct 2016

The article will be considered by several Council on the topic - what to do if you want to sleep. Sleep is essential to any person and he needs to pay due attention to in life.

The reasons why you want to sleep

Many people are faced with the problem, which is called hibernation. Man, not just notice how people walk like sleepy flies and fall asleep on the go. The reasons for this will be a few. The most common are the following:

  • poor diet;
  • lack of oxygen, especially seen in people who work with computers;
  • psychological discomfort associated with laziness. Often people want to sleep when they have nothing to do at work.
  • lack of sleep;
  • insufficient quantities of vitamins in the body.

Most people want to sleep because of the disease. To overcome sleepiness need to be treated promptly. Diseases due to which a person wants to sleep:

  • diabetes;
  • flu;
  • allergy;
  • decreased hemoglobin;
  • thyroid problems;
  • dehydration;
  • Blood pressure.

How to overcome sleeping feeling?

Overcome sleeping can be a variety of ways. The most common is - to increase the pressure. To do this you need to follow a few simple exercises. Considered most effective sit-ups, push-ups, jumping and running on the spot. Exercise can provide energy for the whole day. It is necessary to overcome laziness and fatigue and start to exercise.

Many people find that sleep can overcome the coffee. Not for nothing in the morning, many drinking a mug of coffee to cheer up and tune into a working harmony. The drink contains caffeine, which makes up for the energy and keeps you energetic throughout the day. It is worth noting that when stops the effects of caffeine, more sleepy, so a day to drink at least five cups of strong coffee. Drink a drink on a daily basis is not recommended because caffeine is not good for health.

Caffeine is also found in tea, which can eliminate sleepiness. This drink is useful - it can warm the cold and brisk. Consequently, many travelers and drivers in the road take a thermos of tea.

Some people use Phenotropil to speed up the brain.

Chill - is one way that can overcome sleepiness. If possible, you need a piece of ice to anoint your eyes, forehead and temples.

Want to Sleep During Pregnancy

During pregnancy, every woman changing preferences and tastes. It's nice to go, from which you want to receive only positive emotions.

Every pregnant woman is not often noticed that she always wanted to sleep during the gestation. To overcome such a state should be something to do, that there is no time to think about drowsiness. We need to do things that will bring positive emotions. To not want to sleep is to carry out the following recommendations:

  • to walk outside;
  • eat vitamin and foods rich in calcium;
  • get pleasant emotions;
  • eat at least six times;
  • not violate the regime of the day, and sleep no later quires hours.

Very sleepy at work: what to do?

In order to overcome drowsiness at work you need to do the following:

  • Make exercises for the eyes and the body, that is, to cheer up;
  • Wash with cool or cold water, to fight fatigue;
  • Refreshments;
  • Drink a mug of green tea;
  • If possible, take a walk in the fresh air.
  • Take Meldonium, Semax or Metaprot -

To not want to sleep on the job, you need to go to bed early and sleep well. Of course, if you go to bed at two in the morning and wake up at six in the morning, the body will require sleep.

If you want to sleep at the wheel:

Most accidents occur in humans due to the fact that they simply fall asleep at the wheel. To avoid this, you need to learn the rule: do not sleep behind the wheel not permissible to sit. If you need somewhere to go urgently, before the trip you need a good night's sleep.

To flog a sleeping behind the wheel need to implement the following recommendations:

  • good night's sleep before the trip;
  • take tea in the street;
  • invite to visit a friend who will distract you;
  • take mints;
  • you need to constantly use vitamins B Complex to avoid any health problems.

Grandma's recipes from drowsiness: 3 ways to overcome sleeping

With the drowsiness people are fighting for many years, will be described below are ways that help defeat the dream and get a surge of vitality. Such methods are called grandmother, because they are effective and have been identified many years ago:

  • Overcome sleep, you can use garlic. This vegetable is unpleasant to the taste, but the essential oils contained in it, good fight sleepiness. Especially this method is suitable for people who are undesirable to sleep for a long time. It is best to eat garlic bread;
  • Cocoa can fight with drowsiness, but not directly. This delicious drink contains the hormone serotonin, which is a good mood in people and therefore they do not want to sleep.
  • It is necessary to use as much vitamin C, which is a sufficient amount found in citrus fruits. To boost the immune system and overcome sleepy enough to eat an orange or drink tea with lemon peel.

Do not want to sleep at night

A common reason, when you want to sleep during the day and no night. It can occur in people who:

  • working at night;
  • shot down mode of the day;
  • drink alcohol in the evening.

In order not to confuse the time of the day you need to adhere to the following guidelines:

- per day to tire the body, so he wanted to sleep at night;

- We need to develop a daily routine and go to sleep in the same time;

- it is not necessary to go in the wake of the body, if he asks to go to sleep in the daytime. We need to overcome this desire and go to bed at night.

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