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How to train during the course

06 Dec 2016

During the course it is necessary to train in BIGGER loading. I.e. you have to increase the number of approaches in each exercise, and there can be also a number of exercises. Your task: GRADUAL INCREASE in KPSh FOR the TRAINING!

NRB (number of bar rising) is a term from weightlifting. He shows the general tonnage of the lifted weight for a training.

Let's allow you did to a course on a back THREE EXERCISES (pullings up, draft of a bar, draft of a dumbbell). In each exercise you had 4 working approaches on 8 repetitions. We multiply the number of exercises (3) on the number of approaches (4) and by the number of repetitions (8) for this purpose to learn KPSh (volume) of training. 3󥬘=96.

When you sit down on a course of steroids, your recovery opportunities seriously increase and you can and therefore have to train more, for this purpose to receive more result from a course. The first that you have to make, it gradually to increase KPSh.

I usually add to the first two weeks of a course on one approach in each exercise. I.e. to a course did 4, and after the beginning of a course I do 5 approaches. In our example it would turn in 120 KPSh (3󦀄). I.e. was 96, and on a course already 120!!! Loading volume, as you can see, has significantly increased.

In the middle of a course, depending on health, I can add one more in addition exercise on each group. In ours an example I do 3 exercises on a back to a course. And in a month after its beginning I would add the 4th (for example draft of the top block) and then KPSh = 160!!! (4󦀄). To course there were 96..... at the beginning of a course there were 120.... and now (in dive) whole 160! You can also like - Complex of cytamins for the men's health.

If to throw here one more additional repetition in each approach, then KPSh becomes equal 180! And it is already almost twice more, than to a course. If you manage to contain this volume of loading at the same time of a training, as prior to the beginning of a course. It will mean that your intensity has increased TWICE!!! And if at you also weight have increased during a course (and they increase always and very seriously), then intensity can increase THREE TIMES!!! Now you understand what steroids give? They give the chance to train many times more intensively and in as much time accelerate growth of muscles and power working capacity (pay attention, I haven't written force though it is too. I have written to power working capacity because it is more important for body builders).

The body building essence as physical activity (but not her consequences - muscles), is POWER RABOTOSPOSPOSOBNOST, i.e. ability to carry out the big volume of work (to do many KPSh with heavy scales and rest between approaches). This loading raises big muscles. Therefore this loading needs to be increased if you want to see growth of the muscles.

But it is necessary to do it very carefully and very correctly. If you awake NOT CAREFULLY (quickly) to increase loading volume, then it can become too big for your recovery opportunities even on steroids. Then your growth will stop and you will get to an overtraining. Here, by the way, why those who have learned to grow without steroids ALWAYS show good result with them. Their recovery opportunities are better trained and they feel better "side" for which it isn't necessary to climb.

That is why, schemes of trainings which publish in magazines will approach ONLY for the Top of professionals who trained decades the power working capacity. If the fan begins to repeat such scheme, then at him nothing will turn out. Even if he on steroids. Smoothly raise KPSh! For a start it is rather simple to add one working approach in each exercise. And that抯 all!

If you rise loading NOT CORRECTLY (i.e. without duration of time of the training), then your progress will be weak because intensity won't increase. The matter is that loading (intensity) depends not only about KPSh, but also on training TIME! If you have increased KPSh exactly TWICE, but at the same time duration of your training has increased TWICE too, then it means that intensity hasn't exchanged.

It is very important to consider time (training duration). Always try to reduce slightly time between approaches (an ideal = 30-60 sec.), but not to increase it. You not powerlifter! You train not the power power (force), but power working capacity (big muscles)! Therefore any talk and sit-round gathering on exercise machines. Only silent work!

The main recommendations about trainings during the course:

  • It is more KPSh (to increase work volume)
  • It is less rest (to reduce slightly rest between approaches)

I won't paint in detail the practical scheme because it at all individual. If you don't know what to begin with, then take just my scheme Do Otkazu Base and add in each exercise on one working approach. Here you also receive the initial scheme of trainings on steroids.

How to eat during the course

It is obvious to any reasonable person that can be CONSUMED food on a rate of anabolic steroids and is necessary more because your metabolism is accelerated. You are quicker recovered between trainings, your muscles grow quicker and it means to you additional are necessary:

KCAL from CARBOHYDRATES as energy (basic exchange + a heavy consumption at a training and for needs of recovery

PROTEIN (protein) as a construction material for new structures (muscles)

The training starts only a possibility of future growth. And IMPLEMENTATION of the GROWTH of MUSCLES FOR 100% DEPENDS ON the MODE!!!! Yes, anabolic steroids accelerate and increase process of this implementation. BUT without carbohydrates as energy (kcal) and without proteins as a construction material progress won't be possible.

YOU shall eat MORE, than usually.

I already in detail painted the plan of an effective diet in "the men's scheme". On chemistry this plan approximately looks so:

PLAN of FOOD per day:

  • MORNING: 1 glass of water or juice
  • BREAKFAST: Oat-flakes
  • 2nd BREAKFAST: 100 沭. rice + 100 沭. chickens + vegetables
  • LUNCH: 50 沭. rice + 100 沭. chickens + vegetables
  • AFTERNOON SNACK: 50 沭. rice + 4 eggs
  • Before TR-KOY: isolate of white or egg
  • After TR-KI: simple coals + amines or eggs
  • DINNER: 100 沭 rice + 200 沭. chickens + 2 eggs + vegetables + Creatine
  • 2nd DINNER: 100 沭. chickens + 3 eggs + vegetables

FOR the NIGHT: Cottage cheese or protein

In this food we eat more protein (reception of chicken and eggs is increased), than in the standard scheme without steroids. In principle, it is the initial point. If you use steroids for a set of muscle bulk, then is it is impossible less. It is possible more! Be not afraid to eat white more than 2 g on weight kg. It won't be worse from it. EXCESS WHITE will come out in a toilet bowl if that. And here if you receive less NECESSARY AMOUNT of WHITE, then growth will slow down.

On an anabolic course, the need for a protein significantly increase. There are people who eat also 4 gr. squirrel. There is such situation that it is better to receive surplus, than a shortcoming.

I will note the most important features of your food and mode of recovery on a rate of anabolic steroids.

Increase in caloric content of food (excess of energy for growth and trainings is necessary)

Increase in amount of protein to 2.5-3 g on kg (it is necessary swore for a construction of muscles)

Decrease in amount of fat in food (that growth was at the expense of muscles, but not fat)

Fractional food: We eat often, small portions (to accelerate a metabolism and growth)

We eat carbohydrates more in the morning, it is less in evening.

We eat proteins more in the evening, it is less in morning.

After the training we eat simple carbohydrates + fast proteins (sweet + amino acids)

Big meal only in 30-60 min. after the training (that blood already returned to a stomach from muscles)

How to select products? We need products with low content of fat and with high content of either protein, or complex carbohydrates. For this purpose, to be determined more specifically, it is possible to use the TABLE BZhU + Kcal

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