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How to take Somatotropin

10 Oct 2017

This article is intended for those weightlifters who have decided to create the perfect relief, build muscle mass or get rid of excess fat deposits with the help of sports nutrition products. In it we will tell you how to take Somatropin, and what dosage will help achieve the maximum anabolic effect.

The course of somatropin

Recombinant Somatropin, obtained by genetic engineering, is an analogue of the peptide hormone of the anterior lobe of the pituitary gland. It is used in sports pharmacology as a drug that contributes to the intensive build-up of muscle mass and the increased conversion of fatty deposits into energy.

To achieve maximum effect, take Somatropin followed by courses, for 3-6 months. Further, at the end of the course use, it is recommended to make a long break. For today the greatest popularity among weightlifters is used by 3 courses of HGH:

  • Somatropin solo;
  • Somatropin + androgens;
  • Growth hormone + fat burners.

The somatropin solo course is applied when there is sufficient muscle mass to form an ideal musculature. The initial dosage is 5ED, 1 time per day. After 1-2 weeks, in the absence of negative effects, the daily dose increases to 10ED, divided into 2 doses (immediately after awakening and at the end of the workout). To achieve maximum effect, the drug is recommended to take 3-6 months.

For a pronounced increase in muscle mass, professionals are advised to combine growth hormone with androgens. The ligament Somatropin + AAS at times exceeds the effectiveness of solo application. The daily dosage of STH in this situation is 10-30 units. In parallel, you should take insulin and thyroid hormones. Duration of the course application is 3-4 months.

Growth hormone + fat burners promote the accelerated burning of fat and the obtaining of the relief musculature. In this situation, Somatropin's solo course is taken as the basis, and it includes fat burners (Thyroxine, Clenbuterol or Ephedrine). To achieve maximum effect, you should reduce your intake of fat and fast carbohydrates, take protein preparations, exercise regularly and drink plenty of fluids. In order to avoid the development of negative side effects, it is necessary to strictly follow the dosage specified in the instructions, and also before consulting the course of hormone use, consult a doctor.

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