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How to stimulate the release of growth hormone

03 Nov 2017

For endogenous somatotropin, as well as for any other biologically active stimulant, the characters have their own rhythmic patterns of secretion. Knowing the characteristics of these processes, it is possible to stimulate the release of growth hormone naturally.

Features of the release of growth hormone

In the largest amount, growth hormone is released at night (from 12 to 3 am).

The indicator of the level of STH increases during sleep (both night and day), especially in the first 2 hours after falling asleep.

Growth hormone is characterized by a periodicity of secretion (peak occurs every 3-5 hours) during the day.

Growth hormone is released during weight training with weight, characterized by high volume and moderate intensity. Such training leads to the development of metabolic stress, and, as a result, an increase in the level of growth stimulants that support the synthesis of muscle proteins.

Generation of GH is stimulated by protein nutrition (recombinant peptides, powder proteins, lean fish, boiled egg whites, fat-free cottage cheese and milk). At the same time, fatty foods and fast carbohydrates inhibit the secretion of the polypeptide.

The secretory functions of the main subcortical center of regulation depend on age. In the maximum amount, growth hormones release the anterior pituitary gland in 20-25 years. Then there is a gradual decrease in their production.

Proceeding from the above, it is possible to draw the following conclusion: to stimulate the production of endogenous somatotropin it is necessary to adhere to the protein diet, adjust the sleep regime, and also engage in a special training program that leads to an urgent and long-term adaptation of the endocrine system necessary for muscle mass growth.

However, to enhance the secretion of GH to athletes and ordinary people, it is recommended to use the exchange rate of peptides for the production of growth hormone. In addition to its main (stimulating) function aimed at increasing the production of anabolic hormones, they help to strengthen immunity, reduce cholesterol in the blood, increase the burning of subcutaneous fat, improve the skin, hair and nails, and also have a pronounced anti-aging, antioxidant and anti-inflammatory effect .

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