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How to stimulate the release of growth hormone fast

29 May 2017

Growth hormone is anabolic (enhances the synthesis of muscle fibers) and anti-catabolic (reduces metabolic destruction of muscle fibers) hormone.

In addition, he is able to increase the length of the body (provided that the bone growth zones are open - which is typical for the age group up to 20-25 years), strengthen ligaments and tendons, increase blood glucose levels in low-carbohydrate conditions (from adipose tissue) , Reduce this excess fat, strengthen the immune system, rejuvenate the body. You can buy Semax.

Growth hormone has rhythmic patterns of its secretion. Knowing these features, it is possible to stimulate the release of this hormone naturally.

First. The greatest increase in growth hormone is observed at night during sleep, especially in the time interval from twelve to three (therefore, from the point of view of hormonal secretion, it is especially recommended to sleep during this period of night).

The second. A significant increase in growth hormone is found during sleep (regardless of the time of sleep - be it at night or in the afternoon).

Third. As soon as a person falls asleep, the growth of production of this hormone is fixed.

Fourth. During sleep, the greatest release of growth hormone is observed in the first 2 hours.

On the basis of the second, third and fourth thesis, we can conclude that the recommendation to sleep at least 2 times a day has a serious biological justification. Daytime sleep (1-2 hours) leads to a marked increase in the secretion of growth hormone. The more once a day you sleep, the higher the hormonal background.

Fifth. Myth is the opinion that at night the muscles are destroyed allegedly due to catabolism. This myth gave birth to the following fiction about the need for a night snack. In fact, at night, the secretion of growth hormone at a height, which increases muscle anabolism (as well as body length growth in young years). At the same time, under the influence of the secretion of growth hormone, the main energy exchange is carried out at the expense of fats, and not carbohydrates and proteins (as in the day). Therefore, nocturnal catabolism is observed only in adipose tissue, but not muscular. At night, muscles feed on fatty acids from fat stores that do not allow muscle fibers to break down, and no night snack is needed for this. For the same reason, there is not much point in snacks before going to bed. This need has been established in the minds of athletes thanks to marketers who have untwisted casein protein. Moreover, food before bedtime, as a rule, prevents timely sleep and a good sleep.

The sixth. Growth hormone is stimulated by protein nutrition. The more proteins, the higher the production of the hormone. The secretion of growth hormone is higher the faster the protein products enter the blood. We are talking about the so-called fast proteins - powdered proteins, boiled egg whites, lean fish, low-fat cottage cheese, skim milk. The production of growth hormone is inhibited, the more in the diet of fast carbohydrates (confectionery, sweets, fresh white bread, etc.) and saturated fatty acids (bad fats). Therefore, do not use fast carbohydrates and fatty foods before bedtime, when a surge of this hormone is expected. This is what is known to date reliably. However, the influence of nutrition on the production of growth hormone also has conflicting facts. In particular, according to one scientific study, the daily secretion of growth hormone is lower with rare meals (2-3 times a day) compared with frequent fractional meals. According to other scientists, a long period between meals (we are talking about periodic starvation) is a powerful stimulant for the release of growth hormone. In general, this issue remains open.

Seventh. The synthesis of growth hormone is enhanced by training with weights. In principle, any intensive physical work - sprinting, fast cycling, swimming, etc. - can increase the release of this hormone. If we talk about bodybuilding, then the so-called anaerobic training (heavy weights for 8-12 repetitions) surpasses the aerobic power (relatively light weights by 15 and higher repetitions) and pure power (maximum and submaximal weights by 1-5 repetitions) to stimulate the release of the hormone Growth. On the contrary, strength training best activates the production of testosterone, the most important anabolic hormone. One should not forget that prolonged training inhibits the secretion of any anabolic hormones, including growth hormone. Therefore, do not exercise for more than an hour, especially if you have a lower level of this hormone.

The eighth. The secretion of growth hormone depends on age. At the age of 20-25 years it is maximal. Then there is a gradual decrease in the secretion of this hormone. The lowered level of growth hormone in middle and older age is one of the reasons for the appearance of excess weight and the gradual degeneration of muscle fibers. For the same reason, to fight excess weight and to grow muscle is more difficult than the older person.

Conclusion. Sleep, nutrition and exercise are the most important factors in the active secretion of growth hormone. The raised hormonal background is a pledge of a muscle anabolism and absence of muscular catabolism.

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