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How to make a course of steroids

15 Oct 2016

First of all, to make an optimum course, it is necessary to decide on concepts:

The flavored steroids - medicines which have an opportunity partially to be converted into estrogen (testosterone, matendrostenolon, methyltestosterone)

Not flavored steroids - steroids which aren't converted into estrogen or are poorly converted (oksandrolon, drostanolon, trenbolone, primobolan, turinabol, boldenon, nandrolon, stanazolol)

Steroids with progestagenny activity (progestins) - have ability to contact progesteronovy receptors (nandrolon, trenbolone, to a lesser extent oksimetolon).

Course without side effects

  • If as a part of a rate there are only not flavored medicines, then no pharmacological addition to a rate is required.
  • If as a part of a rate there are flavored medicines, then for the purpose of prevention of an estrogenzavisimy ginekomastiya and excessive accumulation of water it is recommended to add aromataza inhibitor (anastrozol/arimideks, aromazin), however they can reduce efficiency of a rate because estrogen is necessary for an organism too; during acceptance of news agency and before it it is necessary to make the test on estrodiol.
  • Anastrozol (is in a drugstore, but the road therefore many purchase at dealers at lower price) an initial dosage - 0,5 mg (a tablet floor) every other day. Analogs: Anastrazol = Arimideks = Egistrazol = Anastrover = Pharmazol.
  • Eksemestan (is in a drugstore, but the road) an initial dosage - 12,5 mg (a tablet floor) every other day. Analogs: Eksemestan = Aromazin = Ekzedrol.
  • In case of reception of the aromataza inhibitors (AI) it is necessary to control the level of an estrodiol according to analyses that it didn't fall below supposed. If level falls below a norm, it is necessary or to lower a dosage, or reception frequency. Ideally it is necessary to aim at upper bound of a norm of estrogen (but not to quit for it) as they also take an important part in anabolic processes.
  • If on course there are progestins, then for the purpose of prevention of a prolaktinovy ginekomastiya it is recommended to add Prolactinum blocker (cabergolin or bromokriptin) which is accepted for the night.

Bromokriptin (not the road, but there is a lot of side effects) to accept 2,5 mg a day.

Kabergolin (it is cheap, practically without side effects) to accept 0,25 mg every fourth day. Analogs: Kabergolin = Dostineks = Bergolak = Agalates

In case of reception of a blocker of Prolactinum it is necessary to control Prolactinum level that it didn't fall below supposed. If on analysis results it is visible that level is lower than supposed it is necessary or to lower a dosage or frequency of reception. It is necessary to connect these medicines depending on what air of anabolic steroids goes on course. If short, together with them, if long, after switching on of anabolic steroids in operation.

Read in more detail: Ghost effects of steroids and how to reduce harm

Application of a horionichesky gonadotrophin (HGCh)

  • Application of HGCh is justified only on long courses (more than 8-12 weeks) for prevention of an atrophy of testicles. It should be noted that the volume of testicles not always correlates with atrophy degree.
  • It isn't recommended to apply HGCh during PKT.
  • Usually HGCh put at the end of a course (the last 2 weeks of a course on 250-500ME 3 of once a week depending on atrophy degree) if a course very long (it is more than 20-24 weeks), then introduction of HGCh is expedient also in the middle of a course.

Read in more detail: The Horionichesky gonadotrophin in bodybuilding

Postcourse therapy

It is necessary not only to make competently a course of anabolic steroids, but also to carry out postcourse therapy for restoration of function of an axis a hypothalamus-pituitary bodies-testicles. PKT should be carried out after each course. It isn't important whether there was it oxandrolone solo or a combination Testosteron-Depotum + the Sound board + the Methane. The problem of PKT to force the organism to develop again own Testosteron-Depotum differently after cancellation of AAS occurs a collapse of the gained weight and the lowered libido. The basis of any PKT is an anti-estrogen (Toremifenum, clomifene, Tamoxifenum) therefore on PKT first of all it is necessary to accept anti-estrogen, and Tribulus, Zincum and vitamins in the second.

  • Tamoxifen - strong and cheap, but is extremely toxic, unpleasant side effects are possible.
  • Clomifene (Klostilbegit) - less strong than Tamoxifen, darling, but is much less toxic.
  • Toremifen (Fareston) - medicine of new generation, strong, inexpensive, side effects are minimized.

It is necessary to accept ONLY one of 3, but not all 3 at the same time.

From second week of PKT it is possible to connect pharmaceutical triobestan, 750 mg a day (in terms of furostanolovy saponina), medicines of zinc and vitamins according to the instruction. However there are no mathematical evidences of efficiency of these supportive applications at the moment.

If on a course there were oral steroids or injection stanozol, then bile-expelling agents (Cholosasum, tykveol) according to the instruction are applied. Hepatoprotective Karsila drugs and to it similar aren't recommended as they can cause stagnation of bile. It is also desirable to monitorirovat a condition of a liver on blood tests (at injury of a liver ALT and nuclear Heating Plant enzymes raise). If after a while after cancellation oral and any alfa-17 the alkilirovannykh of drugs the functional condition of a liver wasn't normalized Geptral for intravenous administration is recommended to use. Buy Phenotropil online

The last researches showed that D-aspartic acid is noneffective and raises Prolactinum therefore it isn't recommended to use it on PKT.

If on a course there was Progestinum, but on the course you didn't accept Cabergolinum / Bromocriptinum for prophylaxis, then Cabergolinum / Bromocriptinum needs to be spent on drink on PKT in parallel with anti-estrogen reception.

It is necessary to begin PKT depending on what Aethers of AAS were on a course. If short, every other day after reception of the last, if long, in 1-4 weeks after the last nyxis, depending on a half-life period of the longest AAS.

Important notes

  • If on course there was a progestin, then it isn't recommended to use tamoxifen on PKT since it increases quantity the progesteronovykh of receptors.
  • Proviron sometimes is accepted on PKT as an androgen in case of problems with a potentiality because of shortage of testosterone. However, it is worth to remember that Proviron (Mesterolon) can suppress framing of a gonadoliberin and LG and to complicate process of restoration of secretion of own testosterone.
  • Use of strong medicines is carried out only under monitoring of the doctor! Only the medical expert in case of careful assessment of risks, specific features and parameters of a separate organism can make optimum and safe course.
  • And also it is necessary to include high-androgenic streoida in ALL courses, TESTOSTERONE since it controls many processes in a male body is more preferable: status of a bone tissue, lipidic profile, libido, etc.
  • The course is built generally on injection medicines; on course of long air after canceling of reception propionate for two weeks is recommended to use testosterone
  • On PKT it is necessary to reduce the frequency and an intesivnost of trainings to reduce rollback

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