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How to lose weight in a month by 5 kilograms?

30 Oct 2017

If you dream about a slender body, it is important to understand that the slower you lower the weight, the more chances to keep it in the future and not to harm your own body. Accordingly, it is important to find out how to lose weight in a month by 5 kilograms per month without negative consequences. To do this, you just have to follow the basic rules.

How to lose weight with exercise

The most effective way to lose a few pounds over an extended period of time is to carry out anticipations. At the same time, you do not need to lift heavy rods. Quite enough will be easy jogging. At the same time, you need to run at least twenty minutes a day, preferably in the morning.

How to lose weight in a month by 5 kilograms, if running does not allow the state of the respiratory system or pain in the legs. You can try swimming. This is an excellent option to reduce weight and at the same time significantly improve the condition of muscle tissue and skin. You can swim in an open water body or in a swimming pool. In doing so, you must follow certain rules.

If this option is not suitable, you can use the simplest. Try at home jumping rope. Such an exercise will help improve the functioning of the heart, lungs and at the same time tones the muscles. In addition, you can squat. You can do one approach with the maximum number of sit-ups. Also, you can divide the total volume into several approaches. The choice depends on the level of physical fitness and desires.

In other words, simple cardio exercises will help you burn calories and reduce weight.

Food as the main factor

Another question that you need to understand: how to lose weight in a month by 5 kilograms, using diet? Immediately say that you do not need to give up food in this case, although in any other, too. It is enough to exclude fresh pastries, fried and canned foods. In this case, you should eat small portions. There are several tips that will help you to lose weight without too much effort:

  • Before eating, drink a glass of clean water - it will reduce appetite;
  • start eating with salads.
  • Take a plate of a smaller size, since in a large small serving it looks, at least, sad.
  • give up eating 4-5 hours before bedtime. This will be enough for the calories to be converted into energy.

As you can see, there are no impracticable requirements, but at the same time such power provides an excellent effect.

Separately, you need to consider the drinking regime. Immediately say, if the volume of food decreases, the water increases. Do not lean on coffee or black tea. Give preference to green tea, herbal decoctions and berry fruit drinks. Thanks to this you will not only improve metabolic processes, but also provide your body with useful vitamins.

If you brew grass for you it seems overwhelming work, you can use ready-made extracts. For example, green tea, ginseng and even caffeine is part of the famous fat burners. At the same time they are safe, and the dosage is accurately calculated. To reduce weight and improve metabolism, you can use Methyldrene-25, Black Spider 25 Ephedra, Asia Black-25 or Hellfire. In this case, the dosage is selected individually depending on the characteristics.

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