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How to keep muscles after a rate of anabolic steroids

09 Dec 2016

Nothing so just in this life happens. This energy conservation law works in all spheres of our life. Including when you climb up from a rate. After huge fat plus in the form of increases of muscle bulk and force there is corresponding minus. And our task to minimize it. This is not about complete elimination. It isn't possible since it should again sits down on a rate. Why does that happen?

During a rate you receive very big bonus in respect of hormonal stimulation in general and in respect of anabolism in particular. It is expressed in faster recovery between trainings, in faster and volume accumulating of the necessary substances in muscles (a glycogen, amino acids), in big loadings which can digest your muscles. However, when you stop we will accept dope, your system reverts to the original state (at best), and your hormonal system becomes more often slightly worse for some time, than was to a rate.

It is connected with the fact that your glands some time were "fallen asleep" didn't work), and those hormones which you received from out of, aren't available now. "Kickback" results. Which main reasons:

  • Decrease in amount of anabolic hormones (testosterone)
  • Increase in catabolic hormones (cortisol) and estrogen

All other reasons, are anyway connected with the specified two. Therefore if to continue to train just as you have got used during a course of use of anabolic steroids, you will lose if not all, the majority of gathered. At a rest stage after a course our task comes down to two things:

As soon as possible to restore the natural hormonal background

To reduce catabolic influence of external factors (trainings) to necessary.

Before I pass to concrete recommendations I want to note that I especially don't believe that it is possible to keep long time result (first of all in a muscular hypertrophy) than that natural maximum which is put in you by the nature. I.e. as if strongly hasn't inflated you on steroids if you take a break rather long (for example 6-12 months), then you "will be blown off" to the natural maximum. Let's tell if you the man of an average constitution and growth (170-180 cm), long enough and consciously engaged with a bar at control of a diet (you not fat), then your weight is stabilized about 90 kg (+ — 10 kg). You can inflate the muscles to 120 kg, for example, but if completely exclude anabolic steroids from the menu, your weight will come down to 90 kg. By the way, in this plan it is remained in force slightly better than muscle bulk since force is only one parameter, and muscle bulk as a rule this development and forces, both power endurance, and power capacities … is shorter, a number of factors which depend on an anabolic profile more, than the maximum force in itself. You can also like Testalamin.

These 90 kg. (average) will move up on condition of a systematic training with age. A training experience, and also slowing down metabolism to that the reason. Let's tell, at the age of 30-40 years you can count on the weight of 90-100 kg. Well, I think you have understood: "kickback" seeks to return you to natural state. What ways to slow down this process exist?

Restoration of a hormonal background after reception of AAS (PKT). We need to restore as soon as possible our natural level of hormones after a course. For this purpose to understand how it is better to make it you have to know as regulation of a hormonal background in your organism is carried out. I will remind you highlights.

When there is a lot of Testosterone in System, the organism reduces his development (on course AAS).

When testosterone in the FEW System, the organism increases his development (to natural).

Regulation carries out the HYPOPHYSIS and GIPOTOLAMUS. They give orders to testicles.

This looks so if testosterone isn't enough, then a hypophysis GRG (Gonadotropin Releasing Gormon) for the Hypophysis increases development. Which in reply increases development of gonadotrophins (Lyuteniziruyushchy and Folikulostimuliruyushchy hormones) which force your testicles to vrabatyvat testosterone.

  • HYPOTHALAMUS – GRG (releasing hormone)
  • HYPOPHYSIS – LG + FSG (gonadotrophins)
  • TESTICLES – Testosterone

Thus it is clear that for the most bystry recovery we shall stimulate all production rates. Testicles shall work well, and gonadotrophins shall be developed naturally. Add to it the fact that the ratio estrogen (women's hormones) and androgens (men's hormones) is often broken after a rate and prevents bystry recovery and the beginning of work of a gipotolamus, and it will become clear to you that it is not really simple task. Most of which often is also the reason of big losses in muscle bulk after a rate.

Recovery of Testicles

Well. Let's solve a problem parts. Also we will begin with testicles. During a rate of acceptance of anabolic steroids they "dry out" in the amount of and often further even if gonadotrophins are developed in enough, limit development of natural testosterone. How to fight against it? For this purpose we have HGCh or artificial gonadotrophins. For you it is important to understand that HGCh (a human horionichesky gonadotrophin) PREVENTS the atrophy of testicles caused by decrease in development of own testosterone from acceptance of steroids. Here everything is very simple.

The less testosterone is produced, the less there are testicles.

The longer you on a rate, the there are less testicles.

The longer a rate, the more it is necessary for time for recovery of testicles.

Any AAS (even lungs) are analogs of hormones and they cause reduction of testicles.

But size in itself, fact not especially important. As one my familiar trainer spoke: "And for what reason to me egg?". But there is also a practical negative moment. The matter is that practically right after a rate catches the low level of testosterone and gives orders will be emitted hormone (LH) for production of Releasing of Hormone who forces with hypophysis and leads to testosterone development, in the theory. And in practice if the person had a long rate (for example 12 weeks), then its small testicles are simply not able to react as it is necessary on stimulation by gonadotrophins. They atrophied not only in the amount of, but also in functionality. And in this case plenty of time for this purpose that testicles dispersed after a long dream is required. All this time the level of the test will be lowered and will lead to considerable losses in the muscle bulk and force.

CONCLUSION: if the course long, then better in advance (when still eggs as it should be) takes care of their restoration and normal work.

PRACTICE: The reasonable decision is use of HGCh (Gonad) during course AAS. It will prevent an atrophy of your globules. Many advise to use the Gonad after a course. I against such scheme because HGCh "deceives" a hypothalamus (the hormone releasing works without order) and by that an axis of G-G-Ya (gipotolamus-pituitary bodies-testicles) am not restored. Acting this way, you thereby postpone the time of a complete recovery after a course. Besides, if you use HGCh, then is useless to apply Tamoxifenum and Clomifene (important prepa to restoration), but about it later.

Most often it makes sense to apply HGCh on 500ME in day for 7-10 days. Why it is necessary to prick not longly (1-2 weeks)? The matter is that testicles can "get used" to HGCh and won't become sensitive to hormone. So less than 3 weeks it is possible (1-2 weeks), and it isn't desirable anymore!

Anti-estrogens for restoration

It will be a question of two most popular anti-estrogens: clomifene Citras (Clamidum) and Tamoxifenum Citras Both of these drugs are important for restoration after course AAS because they help to put a hypothalamus into active operation. NOTE: according to the latest data it (is clinically proved) Tamoxifenum it is recognized as very harmful drug. In many countries it was forbidden long ago. The best alternative is letrozole!

As I already spoke, during a course the quantity not only testosterone, but also estrogen (women's hormones) changes too that strongly slows down restoration after you stop steroid therapy. Why? The matter is that though the hypothalamus almost instantly begins the work (emission a releasing of hormones for a hypophysis) in case of the reduced amount of testosterone (that we observe after a course), however to it very great estrogen which suppresses development of LG interfere with the process. Our task at this stage to reduce activity of estrogen for restoration of all arch.

Well — someone will tell. And if I used not flavored steroids on a course (those which don't turn into women's hormones)? The lake to., friends. In this case you need to use all the same anti-estrogen for this purpose to block aromatization of own testosterone, or that testosterone which was produced in response to stimulation of HGCh.

PRACTICE: It is desirable for you to wait for cancellation of artificial androgens (AAS) before using klomid or tamoks since androgens slow down work of a hypothalamus (development of LG). I.e. if you guzzle klomid with the stimulating purpose for restoration of an arch, then consider time of half-decay of anabolic steroids (wait when they cease to work). However it doesn't belong to that situation when you uses anti-estrogen for fight against the raised background of women's hormones on Crous (has got out gino etc.).

Usually accept "a loading dose" of KLOMIDA of 50 mg x 4 = 200 mg during the day at once. And then pass to "the raised worker" a dose 50 x 2 =100 mg within a week. After that within three weeks eat "the ordinary worker" a dose of 50 mg a day. If you use TAMOXIFEN, then dosages will be 80 mg (the first day), 40 mg "the raised worker" and 20 mg a day "the ordinary worker". Though personally I usually begin at once with 20 mg (one tablet) a day.

What else will help?

There is a wish to note still such sports additive as tribulis which influences a hypothalamus, forcing to be restored by an arch quicker. Superfluous, this additive won't be, anyway, though don't wait for special effect of it.

Often advise to use creatine after a course for conservation of results. EDITING: It is necessary to remember the important fact - the exogenous creatine oppresses own Testosteron-Depotum! And after its course AAS and so it isn't enough. EDITING EXTREMITY. Well also we have still some things which help to keep muscles and force too. It is first of all insulin – transport hormone and hormone of body height. However I against because the first most often without androgens and in the conditions of the lowered training load will turn you into a pig, and very expensive and on the present well work with the second only together with AAS. Generally, if you dry by nature ectomorf, then insulin are your decision or if you Bill Gates then body height hormone is the decision too for you. The rest isn't followed to abuse these things between courses because for depression of level of losses we have more reasonable methods: competent training, in particular. We will also talk about it now.

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