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How to increase testosterone at home

01 Nov 2017

Athletes who want to reach certain heights in sports need not only to train. When you are at home, do not forget about some restrictions and recommendations. For example, there is often a question of how to increase testosterone in a man at home.

At home, it is important, first of all, to adjust the diet. Excess fatty foods and preservatives slow the metabolism process. As a result, the fat tissue begins to break off. It is the "enemy" of testosterone, as it is capable of processing it into female hormones. Thus, compliance with the diet will help get rid of excess fat and increase muscle mass.

Supplements to increase testosterone

In the event that you do not produce the right amount of testosterone, how to improve at home will tell you your body. The lack of vitamins and microelements adversely affects the work of the organs. Therefore, they are necessarily included in the composition of testosterone boosters, such as D-Aspartic Acid, B-Ecdysterone, Ginseng Kianpi Pil and so on. It is also important to introduce into the diet foods rich in vitamins.

Separately, we need to consider the sleep and rest regime. With a lack of sleep, the body begins to make "supplies" in the form of fat deposits. Thus, even intensive training will not help build muscle.

At home, you can take broths of herbs. If you do not know how to raise testosterone levels at home, and do not want to bother with folk recipes, you can use ready-made preparations on a plant basis.

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