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How to hide reception of steroids and banned drugs

09 Dec 2016

Masking of reception of doping substances has approximately the same story, as well as history of their application and doping examination. In the beginning she was spontaneous when doctors, athletes and trainers expected that they will be able to accelerate by means of diuretic medicines and other procedures removal of the accepted doping substances to avoid possible doping scandal if the athlete actually accepted banned drugs. Now the following methods when the laboratory of doping examination yields positive result about existence in a dope organism before competitions or in the course of their carrying out (especially anabolic steroids) are used.

Read: terms of detection of steroids.

Methods of concealment and acceleration of removal dope of drugs.

  • 1.Most often athletes apply short-range Aethers of anabolic steroids which are removed quickly enough.
  • 2.Reception of anabolic steroids as some doctors and trainers consider, can be leveled at simultaneous use of diuretics. It is supposed that removal of a large amount of liquid from an organism of the athlete will exempt his depot from steroids. Actually if it also occurs, then in insignificant degree. But all diuretics are entered in the list of the forbidden medicinal preparations for this reason as well as because they promote a body weight loss in sports where there are weight categories. If in biological tests of the athlete the diuretic is found, then the athlete is exposed to sanctions in connection with use of dopes.
  • 3.Analytical chemists prompted to trainers and doctors that simultaneous use with dope of polycyclic bonds can distort a picture of a chromatogram and a mass spectrum substantially. Antibiotics of cyclic structure (tetracyclic series and others), and also derivative adamantana bromantane which appears in the List of the forbidden substances as a stimulator belong to such drugs. Therefore its use for the purpose of concealment of reception of dopes is double disturbance of demands of WADA.
  • 4.Drug probenetsid is used as the masking agent who at several o'clock reduces egestion of steroids with urine and allows to pass a doping test (WADA is forbidden).
  • 5.If in biological tests of the athlete not declared medicine is found, then it can be regarded as unknown dope with the following consequences.
  • 6.There is a wrong point of view that acceptance of a large number of lemons will help to be exempted from high concentration of doping substances of steroid structure, first of all, of anabolic steroids. Generally this point of view doesn't maintain any criticism as steroids are hydrophobic connections and accumulate in fatty tissue from where they are released slowly, especially if drug was injected parenterally as it isn't subject to effect of metabolizing enzymes of an endoplasmic retikulum (R-450 cytochrome and others). The same can be told also attempts of "pasture" of steroids by means of acceptance of dry wine.

Certainly, in some cases masking of use of doping substances is effective. The effective ways of masking including the timely termination of acceptance of banned drugs, and also use of the dosage forms which are hardly determined for a drug test are developed, in particular. For example, the basis for accusation of athletes in use of medicines of testosterone is violation of a ratio in content in urine of testosterone and an epitestosteron (Ò/Å). At most of people this ratio constitutes 1: 1, at some — the natural level of testosterone is much higher that led to establishment since 2004 of the most admissible ratio 4: 1 (from 1982 to 2004 it the most admissible ratio was considered by 6: 1). In fig. 3.22 distribution of ratio Ò/Å in population of athletes is shown (selection constitutes 5069 people).

In analysis Ò/Å not only the T and E, but also all steroid profile of the person is looked through. At the same time, consumption of these or those steroids can have significant effect on it. Thus, an indirect way it is possible to register their acceptance. You can try Ovariamin.

Today there is a set of methods to hide acceptance of steroids from the controlling services including concerning use of testosterone. It both schemes of use of medicine, and acceptance of tablets instead of oil injections, and use of the special plasters which are constantly providing the athlete's organism with testosterone through skin, and high doses of an epitestosteron for preserving a necessary ratio between testosterone and epitestosteron. Both fixed testing of the athlete and maintenance of a ratio of testosterone and an epitestosteron at the level of not higher than 4:1 is effective that provides high training effect and guarantees lack of a positive sample on use of testosterone. For obvious reasons technical details of methods of masking of doping substances aren't given in the book.

The pharmaceutical industry works for the sake of high profits and on other projects of creation of the masking agents and new doping substances, but, it should be noted that it is quite laborious and expensive work which won't justify the spent means (especially in the field of synthesis and practical application of peptide analogs of STG, AKTG, GTG hormones and some other). As by-products they can be recommended as the means increasing endogenous concentration of testosterone, adrenaline, noradrenaline and other biogenous amines.

The attempt to hide use of the forbidden substances can be performed also at all stages of transfer of tests by their substitution on others, not containing these substances. For example, to athletes enter into a bladder a catheter with reservoir which contains amount of urine, necessary for the analysis. At the time of an urination the pro-barrel from a catheter is taken out and not own urine, but urine follows from special reservoir in which the forbidden substances or their metabolites aren't found.

To be fair it should be noted that there is a probability of false representation of opposite property. For example, in doping laboratory can use pipettes, ware, etc. on which surface doping substances are intentionally applied. Cases when the athlete was intentionally fed with food which contained the forbidden substances took place (it is known, for example, that if to hens to enter anabolic steroids, then in case of consumption of such chicken meat anabolic steroids are found in urine).

Substitution of urine

The first way to make the test is a small procedure under the name the return catheterization. As well as it is meant by the name, the catheter is entered into an empty bladder. The package for intravenous injection is filled with artificial urine or urine of other person, pressed on a package and pour in urine in a bladder. The return catheterization can lead to a positive doping test at removal of a large number of metabolites: too much time passes between filling and bladder emptying. The athlete needs to consider probability of an infection of urinary tract, a bladder, perforation, emergence of cicatrixes, etc. that at all not a rarity in this abnormal procedure.

Less extreme way provides the small invention under the name "secret girdle". One of demands to the analysis of urine is its temperature. A condition of reception of the analysis is that it has to be approximately peer to body temperature. When filling a bladder urine of other person it is necessary to attend to a question that its temperature was peer to body temperature. The secret girdle just also performs this function by means of placement of a package of urine in a wide girdle which hides it on a loin or below a stomach. Respectively, the body the heat warms urine. The tube from a package can be taken out from pants and to refer to a jar.

But as watch testing, it is possible to use other device under the name "Whizzinator". Manufacturers "Whizzinator" made almost natural type the member in several versions taking into account national and racial peculiarities.

It is necessary to consider that the competent specialist in collection of analyses knows all of these methods. If you get, there will be two violations: one for positive result of control, and the second – for attempt of a counterfeit of results.

Also in more serious federations the biological profile of urine is analyzed (content of salt and DNA with earlier taken samples, in order to avoid substitution is verified). In these cases net samples of athletes take before taking stimulants and store in the refrigerated type.

Filtering urine

There are special nozzles on a penis head with the filter and adsorbents which absorb the forbidden substances when passing urine.

How to accelerate removal of anabolic steroids

Injection medicines form depot in fatty tissue and are released from it in blood gradually. Until this depot exists, until then will find metabolites of the corresponding steroid in urine of the athlete. For this reason terms of removal of such air of anabolic steroids as atantat or deconoat, are very considerable. Total disposal of a fatty layer can help with an organism here, than, as a matter of fact, and body builders in the run-up to the competitions are engaged. Representatives of other sports, however, follow their example not always. And very in vain - periodic campaigns in baths, periodically arranged periods of "unloading" (and even a complete starvation) to some extent will help to reduce terms of stay of "long-playing" medicines in your organism.

Oral medicines of depot don't form, but contact proteins of blood globulin and albumine. Regeneration of albumine and GSPG happens within 30-35 days. That is, after this term traces of acceptance of the majority of oral AAS in an organism can't be found. However, there are two exceptions noretandrolon (now it is practically not applied) and stanozolol which accumulate in an organism for long term.

Methods of acceleration of removal of steroids

Short-term starvation

During starvation there is a disposal of fatty inventories together in "inventories" of injection medicines which are formed in fatty tissue. In addition, short-term (1-3 days) starvation helps to destroy transport proteins quicker. The effect is reached quicker in case of "dry" starvation (without water).

Tireoid hormones

As thyroxine accelerate an albuminolysis. It is clear, that it concerns also transport albumins and GSPG. It is one more argument using these drugs on "drying".


Is on sale as separate drug, in addition is a part of Valocordinum, Corvalolum and Pentalginum. Earlier Fenobarbitalum was used as sleeping pill and demulcent, now it practically went out of use.

For us Fenobarbitalum is remarkable the fact that it significantly activates monooksigenaz system of a liver (drug even use for treatment of an icterus of newborns), that is, there is faster oxidation of all steroid bonds which are in an organism. For this purpose athletes accept Fenobarbitalum on one tablet before going to bed. For intensifying of effect of phenobarbital along with it accept succinic acid (the effect isn't proved). However, fenaborbitat also belongs to forbidden, but by the time of passing of a drug test he will already leave an organism.

Water and diuretics

The general council is on the eve of the competitions to drink as much as possible water. Plus diuretics. However, diuretics, such as Triamterenum, Furosemidum, Hydrochlorthiazidum, Aldactonum in itself are banned drugs (are considered as the masking agents), but it is possible to use also vegetable drugs though their action is incomparable more weakly. However, the distilled water in itself in an organism isn't late.

In this "scheme" there is one "subtle aspect" which should be considered. The matter is that as a result of manipulations with water and diuretics ours urine practically becomes colourless that is a signal for supervisory authorities to pay you special attention. In order that urine found natural color, usually accept group B vitamins (in particular, B2 vitamin). One more indicator that you did something "not that" the low level of creatinine in urine. In order that to increase this level, resort to the help of a creatine which is blasted to creatinine and is removed with urine.

Probenetsid and others

Medicine which is usually registered having gout. Probenetsid strengthens removal of uric acid, he also facilitates allocation of anabolic steroids with urine. Before it very often used also to one "sheaf" with water and diuretics. Now medicine belongs to prohibited whether only will purposefully look for it - a big question. As a last resort it is possible to be stocked by the reference from the doctor that you have gout. In addition to probenetsid such medicines as sulfinpirazon or phenylbutazone can be used.

Dissolution of anabolic steroids in alcohol

During the Olympic doping scandal of 2016, WADA published the report in which described so-called doping Duchess pear cocktail which was allegedly applied by the Russian athletes of many federations. Authors declare that this cocktail was invented by the director of RUSADA Grigory Rodchenkov. For preparation three anabolic steroids were used:

  • Oral-turinabol
  • Oxandrolon
  • Metildrostenolon

These steroids were dissolved in alcohol (the Scottish whisky Chivas for men and Vermouth for women). Drink it was necessary to rinse mouth (without swallowing). Anabolic steroids well of rastvorima in alcohol and in the course of rinsing get through oral cavity vessels into blood-groove, passing liver. At the same time the laboratory methods available at that time, caught the listed forbidden substances of only 3-5 days that it is significantly less in comparison with oral or injection introduction.

After the Olympic Games in London (2012) Turinabolum has been replaced with trenbolone as metabolites of Turinabolum began to be found longer time. The name "Duchess pear" to cocktail was given by Irina Rodionova.

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