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How to Develop Creativity?

13 Dec 2016

Psychologist Dr. Doping tells about the psychology of creativity, finding creative solutions and heuristic strategies.

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The fact that you have to be creative, for the last 200 years in Europe not only speaks lazy. Since the Romantic philosophers gave rise to the idea of the creative genius and it has become a mass, common in the widest circles of society, no one doubts that the creative to be good. In different countries and social conditions of people are looking for ways to enhance their creative recipes efficiency, not to mention the fact that looking for an explanation to the phenomenon of creativity.

Creativity in the broadest sense is called the creation of something new, the fact that people had not created, not seen, could not conceive. There are many types of creativity: intellectual, artistic, theatrical, and so on - all this means that a person creates something that did not exist before, and the extent of this creativity can be very different. New things can be for himself, for the group to which he himself relates, or even for the whole of humanity.

The myth about the creative person

When it comes to creative people, all under different understands this phrase. Many people think of creative professionals: actors, artists, scientists, and so on. However, in a sense, can be creative people, albeit in varying degrees. Anyone can, using their existing capabilities to create something new, at least within their own lives.

It is often said that as a child more creative, but with age the ability to create leaves. This is not true. Children are less likely than adults to be associated with all sorts of social norms, attitudes and other constraints, but the whole idea that children are more creative, do not correspond to reality. Children are as different in their inclinations and abilities, as well as adults. In this sense, no particular distinction.

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The fact that a person with age more and more difficult to take bold creative solutions is just the flip side of the phenomenon of maturity, which is the base for our culture. An adult is a person who takes into account the weight of the conventions and restrictions, which are finding it difficult to refuse. That is, in this respect, in culture or growing of society, on the one hand, provides many opportunities, on the other hand, in the world live causes various limitations.

In recent decades due to technological progress there has been some substitution of creative activity of searching for information. That is, for those cases where the earlier people understand that getting away nowhere and you have to make some effort and work something out, "to make the head" - to look for new ideas to try out different solutions, and so on, there is now the Google, there are social networks. The process of inventing and developing good creative solutions are often replaced by the search for a ready answer. In addition to being the wrong decision may not be suitable for the particular case, it deprives an incredible source of motivation and just enjoy the process of struggle with the uncertainty and victory over it.

Heuristic strategies

Nevertheless, even in the face of such social restrictions have the opportunity to develop creative abilities, but also it is necessary to come up with different tricks to help us, at least temporarily lose a set of constraints, some way to get around them, to slip away from them. Actually, this is the highlight of pragmatic science such as psychology of creativity. It not only describes what is, but also trying to find a very different kind of recipes that help people to use their creative abilities. In this respect, of course, psychology tries to be creative and really is practice-oriented.

Development of creative abilities is a slow process, as opposed to the process of solving some local problems, which can be sorted out for a limited time. With creativity so you can not cope. Age restrictions in terms of development of creative abilities is not revealed, but more productive to start doing it in early childhood.

Creativity - is a collective term for a "bouquet" of abilities. It can be very different to behave, to develop the creative abilities. Dancing, painting, theater, discussions of scientific problems, invention - all this in one form or another has a positive effect on creativity. At the same time, of course, there is a special tricks and techniques. The most famous of them are tied to our culture in a relatively early age, when they try to develop creativity in children and speak of it as the development of general abilities. To do this quite well described in psychological and pedagogical literature things: children are taught to work with different materials, and look in a variety of situations, some surprising new twists, some new chords, new associations and unexpected comparisons, and more.

For adults it is much worse than is written and drawn. Development of creativity in adulthood requires non-trivial actions, trivial words and actions. Any classic areas: artistic creativity, creative theater, dance, word games, painting - all suitable as a material, which can develop their creative abilities. However, it is very important to do this regularly, the result can not be achieved in 10 minutes.

There are no clear procedures for the development of creative skills, which would work equally well in the minds of all people. It is necessary to try out different recipes, and some of them will work, and some is not guaranteed. Determine what will work a priori impossible. We need to try and do both, and the third - on one hand. On the other hand, all these recipes are based in the broadest sense to psycho-physiological human nature. There are a good time to work, and for yourself you need to be able to see them. There are certain steps that help you to get involved, "enter" in the creative work. Actions that help us to solve problems, cope with problematic situations are called heuristic strategy. They need to know, and some of them are able to use. In addition, there are situations in which the work is particularly difficult. These situations need to either avoid or be able to rebuild them, and so on.

Creativity Psychology

Psychology of creativity - the direction of psychology, which studies how people, having the psychological apparatus, which they have, creating new things, objects, ideas and so on. Psychology of creativity, being an ordinary science, is engaged not practical recipes and a description of how to construct the life around. The theory of creativity is looking for creative activity mechanisms, that is, the psychological mechanisms that enable the creation of new products, the creation of new ideas. Accordingly, it is such a somewhat normal psychological research area in which people are looking for an explanation of how the acting heads of different mechanisms that help or provide for the creation of the new. Then, when these mechanisms are understood, already starting from this, you can come up with recipes to realize that hinders the creative work, and that will help. But first it must be study because first of all you need to describe the mechanisms themselves.

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