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How to Become a Genius

23 Dec 2016

Each year number of people in the world is increasing. Who lives more people than at all times until the 20th century, according to modern history. As a consequence, it increases the competition "for a place under the sun" in all areas, and people in the world, winning is not the strongest or the clever, and the most intelligent, resourceful and enterprising.

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Our brain is the most complex system of neurons that communicate with each other by means of neurotransmitters, the brain is always involved fully, more on this in the article "how many percent the brain works." However, this does not mean limitations in its development, you can create new neurons and connections between them. Technically, this is the development of intelligence.

Did you know that children under 5 years have created a set of neurons and connections, most of which will stay with you for life. Then the communication start to die off rapidly and the new form, there remains only the skeleton, the framework of knowledge and interests (language, family, interests). This is where learning takes place, you can reprogram yourself constantly. Formally, in this second set of your neurons and connections, have "wrong" that was an hour ago. And just one year of active transformation of neural connections, the output we get a completely different, intellectually, man, after changing his brain specificity.

Presented below information - this is not my author's view, as I consider myself still not smart (you're so smart - where is your money)). Therefore, we analyze the biographies of famous intelligent, perhaps even brilliant people and identify their common features that allow them to become a genius.

It is also necessary to say that modern science says only about 50% intellect predisposition genetic factors. Ie, half of parents define the subject, which includes the character type, and a set of neurotransmitters and hormones. However, recent research in psychology suggests that anyone can be an actor in your life, and change the line regularly. This subject deserves a separate story.

Think what you say - Know how to listen

The vast majority of smart people speak relatively slowly, like a sieve filtering, almost every word. Think of scientists, among them very little impulsive personalities, and if there is, they permit themselves in a relaxed atmosphere. In this there is a fault and acetylcholine - the neurotransmitter responsible for memory and learning, which is at a high level a little calms, slows body.

Almost all the sages of the past, and the current smart people, laconic, they are no longer listening. This is extremely important!

Shouting left to right, show off, furiously something prove those people who have emotions in the first place. Read at least a brief biography of the ancient thinkers.

They are all one knew how to listen and hear people.

Immediately I would like to cite the example of one clergy: two barrels rolling down the bridge, one empty, the other - was full of water. Blank louder jumping full - then it swept.

Sincerity, honesty, courage

As Aristotle once said:. " Amicus Plato, sed magis arnica Veritas " ("Plato is dear to me, but dearer still is truth). In fact, smart people are telling the truth, the truth, even if it is not profitable. Hypocrisy - not their weakness. Recall how behaved Catholic Church in relation to Galileo, who was ahead of his time, at least 100 years. Remember Mahatma Gandhi, he was a politician, and politics - is a complex topic, but it probably can be considered a genius. Modern politicians like to incite people against each other, he also advocated a non-violent methods, advocated disarmament, India's independence, no one was captured.

Smart people may challenge fledged foundations, scientists constantly question everything, check, deny, argue for that receive various awards. They do not go with the flow, geniuses create it for.

And quote: "Truly honest person who always asks himself whether he is honest enough."


Brilliant people are trying to be objective, to examine the situation from different sides, find all the pitfalls, the benefits and losses. They are not good and not evil, they are realists. May be and laugh or despair, they are happy and unhappy at the same time. Ensure biographies of people like Leo Tolstoy and Boris Vasilyev. Philosophy involves taking very different views and ideas, and their thinking.

People with high intelligence - the great philosophers, regardless of their specialization. Specialization in this context only gives them a kind of conscious direction and affects. The King may not be smarter or dumber than Shakespeare, they are both geniuses, but each in its own sees the world, passing it through the prism of its vital interests.

Creativity / ability to get out of a difficult situation

Smart people have gone on from the monkeys and they are creative in some way creative. Their ideas and actions aimed at creating something new or improvement of the old, they do not benefit of consumers and destroyers.

There is a saying that to create heavier than destroy. Thomas Edison, before you find the right filament for the incandescent lamp, went through more than 6000 samples, and once spent 45 hours without sleep and rest in the laboratory. He sought, I tried again and again. Quit job could each. Here, too, we can recall the politicians. They should be able to negotiate, to fight with sticks and monkeys do not mind. Hence, a good indicator of the manager / manager / policy - to solve the problem of intelligence, rather than sticks. It seems to me, if Edison would desire to rule the country - it would be great.

Another example - Kashio Toda, he is constantly faced with various problems, a native of Japan's poorest families. His father even had to give up travel by tram to pay tuition son. In place of the Toda people usually complain about everything, working hard physical labor. He also worked in parallel and studied engineering, created the company «Casio».

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The desire to know itself and around the world

This is manifested in very different ways, someone withdraws into himself, wandering alone, trying to find meaning, someone continues to engage in certain activities until his death, even with money, success, and other blessings. Smart people do not stop, they continue to live and look. It also includes countless reading books and mastering skills!

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