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How not to go crazy in the decree?

07 Feb 2017

There is no more strength to endure screaming children and whims. Catch elusive day trying to catch anything from their personal files. To accustom to the pot and sleep time. Asking not to throw food, not to throw the plants from the window sill is not put on Dad's shoes, is not from the cat bowl. There are no forces to separate squabbling children and to console the offended. Are you tired, but still trying to hold on.

No, you have, of course, many reasons to feel happy, but somehow during the day you want to cry, you have more and more often a headache. You feel the anxiety for no apparent reason. And it seems that something is wrong with the heart.

Why does a woman on maternity leave often feels sick?

The depletion of the body's chronic stress often aggravates the symptoms of autonomic dysfunction. If you once diagnosed, "dystonia" in the period of radical changes in the life of the decree you are likely to come across a full range of symptoms. Exacerbation or debut VVD also contributes to a complicated pregnancy, the birth process, hormonal changes before and after child birth. The moment when you realize that you need medical attention, you will cease to reproach myself for being weak and can start treatment.

How to start treatment of dystonia?

Before drugs and procedures will have to be effective, it will not prevent the effective use of a sedative. But conventional sedatives will not have the desired therapeutic action, and only temporarily mask the problem. The best means to remove the tension when vascular dystonia, is the amino acid glycine. Glycine is normally produced in the organism under stress but it is not enough, and the need for it increases significantly. In addition to rapid sedative effect of glycine helps to restore the nervous system and increase your resources and you get a long-term therapeutic effect. Glycine drug is absolutely safe for children and adults, and can be used during pregnancy and lactation.

Is there a special cure for dystonia?

Treatment of vascular dystonia should be based on the means that will help establish a normal regulation and not simply remove the symptoms. Therefore, in addition to physiotherapy and psychotherapy, prescribed long-term use of amino acids and their metabolites. Amino acids - these are the structural elements of the body, which is always necessary for us in large numbers. Glutamic acid, cysteine and glycine to help establish the correct operation of the body at the cellular level: restore the energy of formation mechanisms in the mitochondria, help remove free radicals. When the VSD material as prescribed Eltacin drug.

Simultaneous reception Eltacin and Glycine is an optimal solution for the treatment of VSD during maternity leave.

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