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How Good Mood is arranged?

19 Dec 2016

Why a person is good or bad mood? "There is much to be happy, that's the mood rises" - you might say. It is in general correctly. Yet for some reason, when we think about the good, it becomes easy and pleasant? As there are these feelings?

More half a century ago, scientists thought that any sensation caused solely by electric impulses, which the brain sends "the nerves" - from one nerve cell to another. Indeed, using the electric signals takes place information transmission from the central nervous system to other organs and tissues. But science does not stand still, and changing views on the nature of emotions. Now biologists are confident that our feelings - it's not just electrical impulses, but also chemical reactions. It turns out that within us there are molecules that are "responsible" for good mood. They are called neuropeptides. The prefix "neuro" refers to those substances belonging to the nervous system.

Before we find out what is peptides, talk a little bit about protein. Protein molecules are part of the cells of all living creatures on earth. These cells serve as a building material and a power source, play an important role in metabolism. It has many proteinaceous hormones, enzymes, antibodies. That is why the proteins determine the appearance of the person and his behavior, and the ability, emotion, susceptibility to disease, and more.

Protein molecules are chains of amino acids connected strong chemical bond. These chains are twisted in nature, getting the most bizarre forms. If the chain is made up of more than one hundred amino acids, it is a real protein. If the amino acids in the chain is smaller, the so called peptide molecule. You can also like Phenotropil.

The wildlife found 20 different amino acids, of which in different versions and "collected" all proteins and peptides. We can say that amino acids - this "letters" that make up the "words" - peptides and "suggestions" - protein molecules. These "words" and "offer" to create a language with which individual cells function, organs and the organism as a whole.

In the central nervous system results in more than 90 peptides are usually called neuropeptides. They are dependent on our mood, production of hormones and the immune system. These substances are sometimes referred to as the information molecules so that they transmit the "chemical signal" from the nervous system to the endocrine and immune systems. For example, it is very sensitive to neuropeptides cells of the immune system, which is activated under the influence of emotions or, on the contrary, "to sleep." But if the immune system is suppressed, the body becomes defenseless against infections, allergies and other diseases.

Neuropeptide opened a little over thirty years ago. In 1975, British researchers John Hughes and Hans Kosterlitz in preparations of rat brain tissue found two substances unknown to science, found themselves with short (only 5 amino acids) peptides. Surprising was the fact that these molecules have the properties of narcotic substance - morphine: has analgesic effect and causes a feeling of euphoria. But, unlike the drug morphine substance synthesized inside the human body, in brain cells. Researchers originally called them encephalins (from the Greek word encephalon - brain). Later, all the morphine-like substances synthesized in the body, steel mistakenly called endorphins, abbreviated from endogenous (internal) of morphine. Soon in the brain was opened and the other endorphins, having a much more potent morphine-like action.

So what happens? We in the body synthesized drugs? Then why do we not turn into drug addicts? The answer is simple. Nature wisely decreed that if drugs are alien to our body (such as morphine, which is contained in the poppy), drug addiction occurs during their use. But our own internal drugs - endorphins - are not only not harmful, but even useful. Why nature has created harmful to human drugs - analogues of endorphins? That scientists have yet to figure out.

Initially, the scientific world has decided that endorphins are produced only in the brain and are valid only in the nerve cells, but then it turned out that, depending on our thoughts and emotions of these neuropeptides and produce blood cells and digestive organs, and even the heart. Endorphins action target may all cells in the body - immune, blood cells, bone marrow, bowel, etc.

Endorphins operate in many important functions of the body, and one of them - the regulation of pain. They seem to raise the "threshold of pain", thereby reducing sensitivity to pain. Due endorphin not all pain signals reach the brain. If the endorphins were not, people would have felt a lot of pain at the slightest touch.

Increased synthesis of endorphins leads a person into a state of euphoria, so they are sometimes called the "hormone of happiness." Furthermore, endorphins regulate appetite, increase the immune system, increase the production of sex hormones.

Release of endorphins in the blood can take place under the action of a stress. Who among us has not felt the excitement abdominal discomfort? And some fear even nauseated. This is also because of the endorphins. Why do almost all the adults and children can not live without chocolate? It turns out that the chocolate increases in blood levels of endorphins. He is not just nutritious food, but also a stimulator of "happiness hormone", as, indeed, and hot red pepper. But despite the obvious benefits, chocolate and pepper abuse is still not worth it. They may well be replaced by another versatile tool for improving endorphins. This means - laughter. That's why the fun and joy of dull pain, lower blood pressure, and even stimulate the immune system. It is believed that laughter therapy prolongs life, even terminally ill people.

Besides endorphins in humans and other neuropeptides are synthesized - Insulin (responsible for blood sugar), vasopressin (responsible for the blood pressure, improve memory).

Science of neuropeptides as "molecules of emotion" created Perth Candice, a prominent American biochemist. It is the first time proved that feelings and emotions caused by substances that are synthesized in the body under the influence of external stimuli - coarse or, on the contrary, a kind word, success or failure, pleasant music or irritating noise, hunger, or a hearty lunch, punch or a gentle touch. Love, work, fame, power - any experience associated with these and many other categories of life, increases the level of endorphins in the brain. And once in the body there is an increased concentration of a substance, it can not affect the state organs and cells.

But endorphins are produced not only under the influence of external factors. Very often a person "has" the feeling of happiness or unhappiness in itself. And help him in this thought - good or bad, are "translated" to the language of molecules. With the help of neuropeptides in general and in particular cells of endorphins, "feel" all what you think. If one thinks about the good looks to the future with optimism, endorphins promote health, make him happy.

Now imagine if a person many years thinking about the bad - jealous, wants revenge on whether he will be able to maintain health? No wonder the ancient Chinese philosopher Confucius said: "If you always dreamed of revenge, prepare two graves - for the enemy and for yourself."

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