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How fast to fall asleep if you do not want to sleep? 10 surest ways to fall asleep in 5 minutes

29 Oct 2016

Before any major event must be normal sleep, which would use all the reserves of the body one hundred percent. That's just the nervous system each person is arranged on the, who is sleeping like a baby, and someone, and the night is not enough, that would move into the realm of Morpheus. And sometimes it happens that a little nap during the day or in the evening, but the desire disappears at night. So let's see how fast to sleep if you do not want to sleep.

Required minimum of sleep.

Online you can find a recording of multiple programs in which people are told that not sleeping for 20, 30 or even 40 years. History knows only a few such cases, and not all of them documented. Surely all tried to increase the duration of wakefulness at the expense of sleep. It could be teenage experimentation or need due to a heavy work schedule. But no matter how long a person is not trying to go without sleep, eventually your body will take.

After 2-3 days without sleep, enough to catch up on sleep for 12-14 hours and you will feel more or less normally.

But if you sleep for a few hours a day for a week or more, it could be insomnia, congestion or new hobbies, and the consequences can be more serious. Throughout the period, you will experience a serious ailment, but the body uses hidden reserves. When they are exhausted, you just "cut down", and you can sleep for hours. Therefore, if you want to carve out for themselves more time - better to optimize his schedule, and do not fight with the natural needs. But insomnia have to be treated with medication. (Pantogam, GABA, Pikamilon, Phenibut)

And what is the use of sleep?

During sleep, it changes the electrical activity of the brain. By and large, all our thoughts, ideas, experiences and associations - only electrical impulses that are in the gray matter. From the realm of Morpheus, we completely relax, the brain reduces its level of activity and changes its rhythm. Some scientists believe that there is a processing of all information received during the day at this time. Her perception of the final and binding in the memory. Therefore students better to postpone the books aside and go early so they remember anything from reading material.

Subject to change and the rate of metabolic processes in the body. Resting our kidneys, liver and heart. Throughout the period of sleep we do not have any strong emotional turmoil, so that the heart rate in healthy people is maintained at the same level. Most of the muscles experiencing constant load during the day, too, rests. Destroyed lactic acid accumulated during the previous day. Waking up, we feel that we are ready for new deeds and accomplishments.

How to sleep with insomnia?

The problem of falling asleep can be caused by two factors:

The first - youthful insomnia.

Second - nervosa or emotional stress.

Sleep problems in adolescence are very common, some boys and girls can not go to sleep for a few hours, tossing and turning in bed and thinking up the last of the day. This is the age issue that should be resolved by itself, upon reaching a certain age. Usually, doctors say about 20 years as the top mark.

If you are against of drugs (Phenibut, Pantogam, Phenazepam), do not want to teach a child to them from an early age - just wait out this period. A constant assistant in this matter will thrills and a glass of milk with honey.

Problems with the nerves? Then everything just harder, you must remove the cause of neurosis or emotional turmoil. Insomnia is not an independent disease, in this case, it is only a symptom. Herbal extracts and valerian helps most people who are faced with such a problem. If this is not an isolated case, and you can not sleep for a week or more, you should see a specialist for help. You write a sleeping pill and just something about any hospitalization speech can not go. With the help of the drug will fall asleep very quickly. But after the abolition of the problem may come back.

How to sleep in 5 minutes?

And what are the options to really fall asleep quickly? One can cite the current 4 Board:

  • Breathing exercises.
  • Complete relaxation of muscles.
  • Monotonous account.
  • "Flight of fancy".

It argued that elementary deep breaths supersaturated oxygen to the brain, sleep in such conditions much easier. But do not go overboard with this, these exercises can lead to unconsciousness.

Relaxation is practiced by yogis and, without knowing the specific techniques to fall asleep within 5 minutes hard, but why not try?

Trying to count something in the mind no longer used the first hundred years, can be of lambs.

If you have a good imagination, will effectively start changing abstract images in your mind. Already after a few minutes you will not notice as you fall asleep.

10 tips on how to fall asleep quickly.

A possible workaround for the rapid falling asleep, if there is left a little bit of time?

  • Exercise. Gym or themed sections to help you find loading dose throughout the day and will facilitate the process of falling asleep due to fatigue.
  • Ventilate the bedroom, giving access to oxygen. The more the air is saturated with them, the easier and faster you can get to sleep.
  • Light coolness also contribute to the rapid fall asleep. But the main thing is not to overdo it, because the cold and can lead to colds.
  • A glass of warm milk with two spoons of honey is considered one of the most effective home remedies to deal with insomnia.
  • Include in your diet more fish and walnuts. Substances in which these products are converted in the body contribute to the emergence of drowsiness.
  • Do not eat after 6 pm, or 4 hours before bedtime. Working "on all cylinders" stomach will not let you sleep, even if you do not notice it.
  • Avoid daytime sleep. The maximum that you can afford - one hour a day and no later than 16.00.
  • Do not sleep for a long time on the weekends, there is no need to break your biorhythm.
  • Stick to a strict schedule. If the body is accustomed to rest after 3 am, why I am surprised that you can not go to sleep at 11 pm? Try to work out a schedule for yourself and regularly go to bed on it, at one and the same time. Even if at first not be able to fall asleep right away, with time it will come by itself.
  • Pay attention to the bedding. Sheets, pillows, stuffed toys, curtains on the windows - all this should be the highest level. Keep a clean and comfortable bed. The pleasant sleep, so it is more useful and long-lasting.

Do not ask how fast to sleep if you do not want to sleep. It is better to deal with insomnia gradually and proven methods. Quick results will only medications (Phenibut, Afobazol), think three times before their use.

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