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How do the different means of a hangover

01 Mar 2017

There are several popular ways to reduce the rate of intoxication and prevent hangovers. The most effective of them - do not drink more than the daily norm. Yet most would like to drink a lot and get drunk slowly in the morning and feel good. How do the most famous and sobering antitoxic methods, and which one is more effective?


Activated carbon

Activated carbon - a popular drug to fight alcohol intoxication. Its operating principle is that it is able to remove toxins that are in the digestive tract, since they can absorb. Activated charcoal is not absorbed and completely eliminated through the intestines, taking with them their luggage. You can drink a few charcoal tablets immediately before the meal, or during the use of alcoholic beverages. While alcohol is still in the stomach, it may be partially withdrawn from coal, all depends on the amount of alcohol consumed. However, treated with activated charcoal hangover ineffective: in this case the main amount of poisons found in the blood and tissues.

Cold shower

The invigorating effect of a cold shower is due to activation of recovery system, peripheral vasoconstriction and blood flow to the brain and heart. This enhances metabolic activity and oxidized products are neutralized faster. Nevertheless, the speed of this process is determined by the capabilities of the organism, which is already weakened by alcohol.

Brine hangover

This is a classic remedy that works on a simple principle: restores the normal balance of electrolytes in the body. Alcohol dehydrates and promotes excretion of salts in the urine. The brine contains dissolved salts of potassium, sodium and magnesium, and its use helps improve overall. With the same success it is possible to drink mineral water with a high content of the desired ions. But not restore electrolytes reduces the amount of alcohol in the body of the toxin.

Lemon juice

Often, to reduce the intensity of intoxication, when the day before it was drunk a lot, but also to relieve hangover apply lemon juice diluted with boiled water. Its main ingredient - citric acid, which activates the Krebs cycle and cellular respiration. As a result, cells receive more oxygen and increases the metabolic rate, which helps the body to oxidize the remaining alcohol in the blood and to withdraw its decay products. In addition, juice quenches thirst and eases symptoms of dehydration. Additionally, lemons contain vitamin C, and many other trace elements, the lack of which is felt acutely during a hangover due to the diuretic effect of alcohol. You can try Bonothyrk.

Succinic acid

Succinic acid - also a participant in the Krebs cycle. The use of succinic acid helps to activate the metabolism and helps to neutralize the oxidized product of the disintegration of alcohol - acetaldehyde - directly in the cells. Therefore, succinic acid helps a hangover quickly and efficiently. It allows cells to get rid of toxins and produce energy. If succinic acid is used together with citric acid, the recovery rate is increased, as the citric acid takes some of the work themselves. Today, one of the most effective remedies for a hangover is Limontar - a drug that contains a succinic and citric acids in the correct proportions. Limontar easy to use and safe, therefore it is recommended for self-treatment of a hangover.

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