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Home kit of medicines for the whole family

08 Feb 2017

The medicine box in every home, but often at the right moment there is not exactly that of the drug that is needed. In fact, a first aid kit can be very compact, but at the same time accommodate all that you'll need.

Medications essentials

When the need to provide assistance quickly, the value of the home kits can not be overstated. For drugs for first aid include local antiseptic agents (hydrogen peroxide, rubbing alcohol), Burns, painkillers and anti-inflammatory, antipyretic (for adults and children separately), a medicine to relieve allergic edema, nitroglycerin for relief of angina pectoris. This includes bandages, cotton wool, adhesive tape, sterile antiseptic dressings in batches. You can try Bonomarlot.

Means for treatment of the common cold

With a cold and SARS, you can help yourself by having on hand a minimum set of drugs for the common cold and sore throat. But in cases of suspected flu, be sure to consult a doctor.

Vasoconstrictive nose drops (separately for adult and child), eye drops with antiseptic, antiseptic throat, gargle, expectorant for coughs (syrup plantain). It is also useful to have a home nebulizer.

Funds from digestive disorders and intoxications

Activated carbon and suspensions for removing toxins, saline solution for the preparation of a drink with vomiting and diarrhea (Regidron), heartburn remedy, antidiarrhoeal.

From a hangover and a toxicosis of pregnant women is very good Limontar: the preparation of succinic and citric acid, which activates the metabolism and accelerates the elimination of toxins from the body. He also has a tonic effect.

Calming and sleeping pills

Keep your home medicine cabinet sedatives may be unsafe: these drugs that in overdose can depress the respiratory center and heart activity. Yet the need for such preparation there is often. Therefore, the perfect solution for the home kit is Glycine.

It contains glycine amino acid of the same name, which normalises metabolic processes in the nervous system and activates the safety braking. Glycine is prescribed for insomnia, increased anxiety, high psycho-emotional stress. It is absolutely safe drug, which even children can be taken and pregnant.

Means for strengthening the cardiovascular system

Status of the heart and blood vessels - is the main criterion of a long and active life. Therefore, in a home medicine cabinet have to be means for the prevention of cardiovascular diseases. Eltacin - a drug which is composed of three amino acids: glutamic acid, glycine, cystine. Eltacin naturally improves metabolism in the heart muscle, helping the heart to receive the necessary energy at high physical exertion. Eltacin prescribed for the prevention of heart diseases, vascular dystonia, used in treatment of heart failure.

Medications for nervous system support

Always maintain a clear mind, poise, a good memory and attention can be difficult. Continuous hard work can adversely affect the nervous system, and as a result you will be a long time to recover or lose health. Therefore, in the home medicine cabinet should be a preparation to support the nervous system, which can be drunk courses or extra, in case of stress. For this purpose, suitable Biotredin. It improves the metabolism of the nervous tissue, improves memory and attention, improves mental performance, reduces psychological stress.

In addition to the above, your personal first aid kit can be supplemented with special drugs, depending on the state of your health. Decide with them will help your doctor.

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