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Hazardous Drugs

19 Dec 2016

Hello! Around us there is a lot of all sorts of substances, which in one way or another, change our body, and drugs here certainly are. However, at the moment, it is difficult to determine what is considered a drug. And give a definition of such a list, which will last at least 10 years, since the law, drug list changes regularly. We undertake the implementation of a very complex problem, disassemble the main drugs and to identify more and less dangerous. Since our project aims to develop, it is difficult to do stories on this topic, we do not advocate drug project against them, but we are in favor of objectivity.

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What is a drug

The modern world does not give an unambiguous interpretation, but there are common features that are substances that make for pleasure, which are addictive, and most importantly, destroy the body in a relatively short time. So there seems to have lost nothing, but wait a minute, if this definition is true, why not ban junk food, alcohol and cigarettes? All of these substances in the past month regular intake can cause diseases related to the circulatory system, digestive organs, with light, which is about 90% of deaths in Russia.

You can check what happens to your stomach if you drink it straight month soda, seizing fries with something sweet, at best scenario getting fat, and as a consequence, a rapid pulse, and the prospect of tachycardia and cardiac surgery.

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Have you wondered why, fast food companies in all advertisements shouting that they help children and the beer and chips develop football? That's great, better to let help than anything. Ie on the basis of this logic, it is permissible to make the company, which in general will harm society, but to help a small percentage. So let's create a special fund and make plant for the manufacture of amphetamines, is said to be something like "Fast and the Furious" and write in the advertisement: "2% of our profit goes to support the hospital!".

To be fair to say that some of those things that is equated to drugs in Russia, harm the body more quickly than alcohol, cigarettes or fast food.

About time, about morals!

The problem is that even 90 years ago, many of the illicit drug in the world sold in stores. The 60-70 was LSD boom, after which he was banned. 10 years ago, easily sold ephedrine, but some ingenious guys started to make him amphetamines, and immediately ban. Amphetamines, incidentally, previously prescribed by the doctor to fight against alcoholism))

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With the countries much more interesting! In the United States (in several states) and Catalonia is now legally sell marijuana, whether to talk about the famous Holland. In Muslim countries actively smoking, but with almost no drinking.

This is said to ensure that the development of societies in the world, no one knows what will happen years through 5. And even now, if we have hemp banned and permitted in the United States - that does not mean that we are smarter or dumber them. There are so many variables: policy, public sentiment, religion, level of development of society, demography ... These variables are superimposed on each other and as a result we get a complete misunderstanding of what is the drug in 3 years somewhere in France.

What is the most dangerous drug in the world?

Referring to the figures, they are more specific than the words.

There would be some tables will be presented with relevant research. All studies are slightly different based on the results and conducted at different times.

After analyzing all of the tables, three of the most dangerous drugs are: Heroin, Cocaine, Alcohol.

But the individual links are opioid drugs - this is the most terrible thing, they are prohibited almost everywhere. Usually, when the word "addict" seems precisely this type of drug. That they use syringes, tourniquets, to slay heroin. To opioid drugs also include morphine, codeine-containing drugs, methadone. What is the danger?

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Opioids, when released into the blood circulation to reach the brain. They act on opioid receptors in the brain, at the same time there is a feeling of euphoria, there is no pain and fear. The brain very quickly gets used to the undeserved joy! As a result, for example, heroin addiction caused almost immediately after the first-second reception. The longer - even large dosages are required to achieve the same effect.

If a person completely stops receiving, then there is a "break-up" when the pain is everything. Because opioid receptors used to the constant dosage and they can not normally anesthetize the body. In practice: here you cut your finger, lightly, it would seem, well, to hell with it, cloth wrap and all. Opioid addicts to breaking, feeling as if he cut off a finger.

The joy of such addicts is nothing to cause, and it is not an expression of pathos, and reality, their receptors, hormones of joy simply "turned off" without dose.

These receptors are usually themselves included, when it is necessary "to praise" the body, encourage him, for example, you have passed an important exam - temporarily produced Endorphins are the same, but in much smaller quantities.

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Generally, even amphetamine honesty will cause less adverse effects on the body than opioids. But, perhaps, the only sheep perceive these words that amphetamines "can." You can reduce withdrawal syndrome with Meldonium and Phenylpiracetam.

Marijuana, stimulants and hallucinogens are also uniquely affect the brain, and will be an introduction to them, in some editions. Too many disputes around them or opinions. We consider the brain with scientific and educational point of view, because this theme definitely need to objectively illuminate.

Bottom line

The project promises to be objective, and to speak as minuses and pluses. So much bad to say about opioids, but used for medical purposes, opioids help relieve pain and anxiety, creating a sense of happiness. Morphine, for example, still used during military conflicts. But there is such a choice: either the person will die immediately from the pain and fear, or survive, but will receive a dependency, and then the duration of the recovery rate. This is their advantage.

This is designed so our bodies, emotions "joy" the most protected, and their replacement body rejects all ways. External stimulation or hallucinogens it carries better, but the joy and happiness - this is the most intimate, the most active, that there is no substitute ... Rejoice little things, guys! Develop and achieve their goals - it also produces endorphins. Good luck and happiness to you!

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