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Hangover and how to fight it

10 Jan 2017

Alcohol - is bad or normal?

When thinking about alcohol drinking phenomenon is neutral, without touching aspects of chronic use, it can be argued that alcohol socializes people, and it is an indisputable fact psychophysiological. To see this, it suffices to represent common situation - the celebration of the anniversary or wedding (or any other festive occasions), when one of the festively laid table is going to a group of people, many of whom do not know each other. In the unfamiliar company to communicate at ease hard. But people are inherently social creatures who can not do without communication with their own kind. After drinking a few glasses of vodka (or any other alcoholic drink), little man loosens and becomes more lively and sociable. However, very often the use of alcohol, even in moderate doses, and not only in large, resulting in the next day to the unpleasant physical ailments, called hangover. This state also has a medical name - "withdrawal syndrome".

Symptoms of a hangover
Condition hangover can be accompanied by symptoms: headache, dry mouth and bad taste, tremor of limbs, eye redness, irritability, vomiting or nausea, sensitivity to noise and light, loss of appetite and sleep, depressed mood, pain in extremity, diarrhea.
A person may feel full apathy and the so-called "adrenaline anguish."
"Adrenalin anguish" referred to a condition characterized by a vague sense that the day before there was something wrong, inappropriate. Even with a clear memory of events took place yesterday, the person takes possession of a sense of guilt.

Reasons for a hangover state
Ethanol is part of the alcohol, causing increased urine output (i.e. increased urine formation), which results in the appearance of headache, dehydration, dryness of the mouth, and feeling of lethargy and apathy. The second factor contributing to the occurrence of alcohol withdrawal syndrome - a biological transformation of ethanol and its decay products in the liver. Ethanol is oxidized to acetaldehyde using an enzyme called alcohol dehydrogenase. Acetaldehyde in turn is converted into acetic acid through the enzyme acetaldehyde dehydrogenase. If there is an excess of blood alcohol, the enzymatic systems can not cope with the complete transformation of acetaldehyde into acetic acid, and then accumulate in the body intermediate result decay ethanol - acetaldehyde. What is characteristic - it is 20 - 30 times more toxic than the conventional alcohol.
Besides, one of the enzymes produced by the action of alcohol itself can affect the production of free radicals and toxins.
For the above two ethanol conversion reactions also require additional conditions: the transformation of some substances of metabolic exchange in the other. Some of these transformations violate the production of enzymes in the body, without which the intermediate products of metabolic processes begin to accumulate. For example, in the use of alcoholic beverages in the medium and high doses, the body builds up the end product of the process of glycolysis - pyruvate. To align the homeostatic balance of substances, the body tries to synthesize lactate from pyruvate. For the synthesis of lactate, pyruvate, "shown in" from other processes (for example, the gluconeogenesis), and because of this, the liver can not compensate for the reduction in glucose levels, particularly in the brain.
As you know, glucose is the major energy source for the brain, so its level falling detrimental to human well-being. It hypoglycemia (low blood glucose) promotes the appearance of hangover symptoms. Hangover symptoms also enhance other substances that together with ethyl alcohol included in the composition of alcoholic beverages (for example, fusel oil).
The composition of alcoholic beverages are added some metals (zinc, etc..) To sweeten the drink. This fact explains the relative softness of the occurrence of withdrawal symptoms when consuming distilled spirits. Not long ago, a statement was made by scientists and researchers that heavy hangover occurs soon after consuming the drinks that are lighter in color than when using dark beverage.

Tannin content in the beverage and sugar is also important. Sugar greatly exacerbates the hangover effect, so for the sweet, relatively loosely established cocktails drinks bad reputation, leading to severe withdrawal symptoms. Dark beer, for example, leads to a more severe hangover than the same amount of alcohol by volume, dissolved in water. Tequila and whiskey than vodka (when using the same amount of ethanol) give severe hangover symptoms. This occurs because the related substances ethanol, like fusel oils, are not removed from alcoholic beverages to form a corresponding aroma and taste.
Beer at hand gives a diuretic effect, which leads to dehydration - when visiting the toilet a person gets rid of not only beer, but also on other body fluids. Alcohol gives a pronounced diuretic effect, affects the irritation of the brain and inhibits the release of pituitary special watery substance. The effect of this substance on the kidneys need to ensure that they reduced the outflow of liquid, which in theory should be accumulated in the bladder.As a result, affect the beer excessive secretion of fluids from the kidney to the bladder, and then at a high concentration of alcohol in blood accumulation starts dehydration, which leads to occurrence of dry mouth. In order to compensate for the lost fluid, the body begins to absorb water from other tissues and organs, including brain tissue and from causing its temporary reduction. Scientists believe that, in spite of specific immunity to the brain pain, headache occurs when a hangover is with compensation fluid deficiency - reduced the dura, which is connected with fibers sensitive to pain. Another explanation for the causes of headaches - this action is drinking beer on the brain vessels, which violates the blood flow in the head.
Finding alcohol for a long time in the stomach contributes to retching, mucosal dryness of the mouth and the appearance of strong thirst.
The above fusel oils and other by-products of alcohol distillation often can not simply cause the picture hangover and this poisoning. The risk of poison is extremely high in the use of substandard, adulterated alcoholic products from industrial alcohol; as well as home-made alcohol products of distillation (moonshine, Braga).
The severity of the hangover may be enhanced nicotine poisoning. It is no secret that smokers at the time of consumption of vodka and other alcoholic beverages, smoke more cigarettes than usual. And even people who quit smoking, drunk can not restrain myself and again take up cigarettes. The body has lost the habit of receiving a dose of nicotine; and he a man of habit smokes cigarettes one after another. So the next day he was feeling due to not only the quality and quantity of alcohol consumed, but also nicotine poisoning.

Other factors affecting the appearance of a hangover
Medical studies have shown that the severity of hangover depends largely on a lack of magnesium in the body. This is because that immediately after consuming alcohol magnesium excreted by the kidneys into the bladder. He ceases to block calcium channels in cells. Without this blocking calcium penetrates quickly into the cells and causes them to excessive excitement. Therefore, the person has a headache, and a state of irritability and nervousness.
Magnesium deficiency also causes cardiac arrhythmia, muscle weakness, chills. In addition, when you receive a large dose of alcohol takes place blood acidification (acidosis).
It is of considerable importance, and genetic factors: for example, some people are almost not affected by the emergence of hangover, regardless of the amount of taken alcohol. This curious phenomenon is explained by the fact that in the body of these people there is an active development of alcohol.

Moreover, the active development of alcohol is not unique as individuals, as whole nations. In light-eyed fair-skinned Europeans it produces worse, while dark-haired dark-skinned, dark-haired Europeans - better.
The majority of people of East Asian descent inherent mutation in the gene that is responsible for the production of alcohol. This mutation causes the intense processing of ethanol to acetaldehyde. Moreover, Asians (although not all), reduced ability to convert acetaldehyde in acetic acid. This leads to the fact that after the use of alcohol, acetaldehyde cumulated in the body and causes the effect of "alcohol flush", which is accompanied by the most severe withdrawal symptoms later. Knowing such a feature of these people try to drink a lot less.There is a widespread assertion that hangover becomes heavier with age. Generally, this phenomenon is attributed to the fact that the body is provided with a lower alcohol dehydrogenase. Without this enzyme involved in the metabolism of alcohol, alcohol withdrawal syndrome develops much sharper.

Treatment of alcohol withdrawal syndrome
Hangover Treatment should be directed at solving the four problems of a medical nature: Restoration of water-salt homeostasis. Elimination of pain symptoms. Toxins. Recovery of brain activity (clear thinking and reaction speed).
To remove the headache hangover, drink enough Citramon or aspirin. These products are sold in the pharmacy without a prescription. Intoxication of the body is removed by methods of biochemical and physical detoxification. You can also buy Meldonium or Phenotropil.
Physical cleaning gastric detoxification means and / or the intestine, the use of sorbents such as activated carbon or enterosorbent.

Biochemical Detoxification is the activation of Krebs cycle (cycle is broken when alcohol use). To restore cycle enough to eat products containing succinic, lactic, citric acid. Also, they can be taken orally in tablets or receive intramuscular injection.
In the free market, you can find a variety of drugs, it is positioned as a tool for a hangover. Essentially, most of them - it is a combination of ascorbic, succinic acid, acetylsalicylic acid with the addition of caffeine or other substances. So that they are similar in composition, such as a conventional Citramon.It should be remembered that acetylsalicylic acid can not simultaneously use drugs with alcohol. And indeed it is a substance, despite all the benefits brought by the body, very detrimental effect on the mucous membrane of the stomach and intestines, especially on an empty stomach.
To make them less scathingly exposed mucous, taking acetylsalicylic acid preparations should be washed down with plenty of water.

Effective "national" means for the treatment of alcohol withdrawal syndrome are: Fermented foods (Korean dish kimchi, sauerkraut). Fruit juice is sour. Unpasteurized brew. Airan, mare's milk, yogurt (which foods are rich in lactic acid). Mineral water.

Just be rational use of diuretics. These drugs need to eliminate improper redistribution of fluid after drinking. If pressure and heart rate are normal, you can do exercise, they are good because after them, along with the sweat, and the residual alcohol leaves the body. Another effective way is to gastric lavage. However, this manipulation is good only if little time has passed after drinking. The more time passed after reception of alcohol, the more he could be absorbed from the stomach into the bloodstream, and the less efficient is the washing.
Cropped hangover can be a small amount of alcohol intake of the same species, which is consumed by the day before (a glass of wine, a bottle of beer, a glass of vodka). This method of dealing with the hangover has long known. Nevertheless, sober - it's not the best way, though, and the easiest and quickest. Firstly, an extra dose of alcohol will affect the already weakened body, and the liver is more difficult to neutralize poison additional portion. There is a risk of continuing the use of alcohol, and this can lead to drinking bout. In addition, the "sober" is not able to help in case of poisoning surrogate or poor-quality alcoholic beverages, in this situation it can only exacerbate the condition. However, if the included substances such as methanol or ethylene glycol, the patient, on the contrary, ethyl alcohol, or administered in the vodka adulterated vodka. This is because the data are split toxic substances in the liver using the same enzyme as the alcohol - which is why one is a safener for ethanol. When introduced into the body, the liver converts ethanol resources themselves, and ethylene glycol or methyl out in the urine and does not cause much harm to the body.
By the way, not all people are as a cure for a hangover to drink alcohol again. Some can not do this because they strongly feel sick. The mere thought of alcohol can cause a gag reflex, so the person does not want to freshen the nip. But in this case, you can "trick" the body. To do this, type in the mouth lemonade or juice, bring to your mouth and quickly drink vodka in the process of swallowing the sweet drink. Thus, the receptors do not have time to react to the changing of the beverage and "deceived".
In the event that the state of health of the body has not improved, and still people suffering from chills, sweating, tremor, nausea - you need to seek medical help. Chronic use of alcohol withdrawal syndrome, another condition may lead to delirium tremens.

As to the latter problem for removing hangover, the activation of brain activity you can use any kind of intellectual work, whether it be solving crossword puzzles or learning poems by heart.
Topical approach to the treatment of alcohol withdrawal syndrome is considered detoxification treatments with intravenous saline solutions with the addition of these specific pathogenetic therapies, relieves a variety of disorders in the life of the human body. The essence of this method consists in recovering the mineral and water metabolism, in the normalization of metabolic processes, resulting in rapid excretion of intermediates ethanol decomposition.
Naturally, such detoxification procedure to take place in the home can not be only in a hospital or outpatient clinic. And it's not just that the man himself will not be able to make an intravenous infusion, but also in the fact that weak body can not adequately respond to the administered drug and issue a reaction anaphylactic shock. In the absence of funds, cropped anaphylactic shock (eg, prednisone and antihistamines), this condition can lead to death. That is why it is best not to self-medicate and consult a specialist.

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