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06 Dec 2016

Guggul is the main component of pitch of a plant Commiphora mukul known as Guggul tree (a tree Guggul). The plant grows in Pakistan, India and Bangladesh. For production of additives juice of plants is used.

Synonyms: Guggul, Gugulipid, Mukul myrrh tree, Myrrha, Gugul Lipid, guggal, guggul.

Guggulsterona in sports delivery

Guggul is used as an ingredient, for stimulation of function of a thyroid gland which hormones promote depression of fatty weight. Guggulsterona found broad application. Efficiency of additive is confirmed by the research published in Current Therapeutic Research where compared results on depression of percent of fat in an organism to useguggul and without, under peer other conditions. The group which accepted additive lost weight in much larger degree, than in control group. Please pay attention to Bronhalamin.

Besides there are data that these substances reduce cholesterine level in a blood and harmful lipoproteins of low density and triglycerides are types of fats which cause narrowing of arteries (in particular coronary, provoking development of stenocardia and infartkt). Are considered that guggulsterona possess antiinflammatory action therefore use of additives on their basis at arthritics is justified, injuries of joints and ligaments. Besides they can be applied at an acne eruption which is often bound to the use of anabolic steroids.

There are data that Guggul reduces an absorption of fats in an intestine.

Sports delivery on the basis of Guggul is issued in the form of powder, usually yellowish color in capsules or a loose look. The powder is darker, the larger quantity of guggulsteron contains in it. Guggul is a part of complex fat loss more often.

Popular sports additives:

  • Animal Cuts from Universal Nutrition
  • Lipo-6x from Nutrex
  • Guggulbolic from Syntrax
  • Thermoloid from Goliath Labs


The average dose for combustion of fat makes 30-60 mg, three times a day together with food.

Side effects of Guggul

Children, pregnant women or the feeding women aren't recommended to accept Guggulsterona. Sometimes there are collateral reactions in the form of an allergy, disorders of digestion. With care to apply at sharp renal infections, liver diseases, inflammatory diseases of intestines, diarrheas.

In spite of the fact that side effects meet extremely seldom, developing of a headache, nausea, irritation of skin is sometimes possible (usually in the form of rash). In a type of the fact that gugglsterona stimulate function of a thyroid gland consult with the doctor before application if you have a pathology from this body.

The research conducted in 2004 has shown that gugglsterona can inhibit effect of some medicines, due to change of activity of CYP3A enzyme.

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