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Glycine Watches Maturity of Life and Prepare for Healthy Aging

02 Mar 2017

Irritability, poor memory, insomnia, increased anxiety - often accompanies old age. These symptoms are the result of poor circulation in the brain, changes in the capillaries, causing the brain suffers from a lack of energy and accumulated toxins. But the symptoms of the cerebral circulation only reflect the problems of the whole organism: just neurons more sensitive to lack of oxygen, and the problem of brain activity will become visible.

How to improve the blood circulation after 60 years

To do well in the blood capillaries and larger vessels, they should be well passable. One of the factors of circulatory disorders is atherosclerosis - narrowing of the blood vessels under the influence of improper fat metabolism, the formation of cholesterol plaques. In order to control this process, doctors prescribe statins - drugs that prevent atherosclerotic plaques grow and collapse.

In old age and other possible prevention of heart disease and microvasculature. Regular physical activity helps to maintain heart muscle and blood vessels in good condition, since they are all the time engaged in active work. Recent studies of aging found that endurance is directly related to the duration of the life of the cell. Regular physical activity increases the length of the telomeres of the chromosomes, and the longer the telomere, the longer cell lives. Along with training appropriate to apply the hardening elements: dousing legs and hands with water from +18 and +10 ° C, sunbathing at temperatures from +10 to +30. Hardening for elderly people must pass gently: exposure duration of cold water must begin with 30 seconds and no longer than 3 minutes, and sunbathing at a temperature below 20 ° C starting with 30 seconds at a temperature above 20 ° C can be started from 3 minutes and bring them up to a half hour duration. Too cold water for douches, an overabundance of sunlight can lead to a sharp jump in blood pressure.

The value of the amino acids for healthy aging

The components of proteins - amino acids - are the main building blocks of the body. And although the growth process ends later 20 years, until his death on a daily basis involves many processes for the resumption of biological functions. Therefore, a regular flow of amino acids to the diet helps maintain the health of the body at the cellular level. In order to ensure active exchange of amino acids essential vitamins and minerals, so after 40 years doctors prescribe reception complex vitamin and mineral preparations at least twice a year.

Age-related changes in the blood vessels reduce the effectiveness of blood circulation and eventually the brain begins to suffer from lack of energy. This is manifested by symptoms such as irritability, dysphoria, inattention, forgetfulness, difficulty of perception of new information, etc. The primary amino acid that protects neurons when operating under adverse conditions - glycine. It is normally produced by the brain cells with age but it slows down production, while the daily requirement for glycine is growing. You can buy Glycine.

Improve the nutrition of brain cells helps the regular intake of the amino acid glycine watches in a formulation. Glycine watches activates oxidative processes in neurons and helps maintain their vital functions even under conditions of oxygen deficiency. When there is insufficient cerebral blood flow is becoming an important factor which inhibits the brain aging process.

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