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Glycine - The remedy for stress

20 Jan 2017

Stress... “Everyone feels it, everyone is talking about it, but almost no one takes the trouble to find out what it is” – these are the words of Hans Selye, which were written about the stress more than half a century ago.

Since the scientist introduce this word (from English – “tension”), the concept of stress as an important source of our health, for some reason, receded into the background. Meanwhile, in small doses the stress is quite useful – it increases the organism resistance to extreme stimuli; but in large doses it promotes the development of diseases.

Naturally, the reaction on the fear, the anger, the oppressive atmosphere in the family, remorse, quarrels, unfaithfulness, job dissatisfaction, and other things, depends both on the depth of the feelings and on the state of health, which is, today, not always fine. And then there are social instability, wars, terrorism, natural and industrials disasters...

Severe stress follows us, reminds with the huge number of heart attacks and strokes. Almost every person once feels a sharp desire to shout: "Stop the world – I want to get off!"

Meanwhile, nature has endowed us not only with the ability to get excited easily, but also the inhibitory system. It is associated with the amino acid glycine, which is important substance for all the cells of the organism. Unfortunately, it is consumed faster than the excitation passes off.

Do not rush to take tranquilizers and antidepressants. Sedating, with all their side effects, they’ll come back to bite you later. It’s necessary to defend yourself from the stress properly – with the drugs, which work in conformity with the natural laws, and which can help the organism to fix its “brakes” itself. One of such kind of drugs is Glycine.

Naturally and gently, it compensates the “battle with the reality” losses at the delicate molecular level of metabolism. The cell itself determines the need for glycine and takes it, or, if there is a lack of it, produce as much as it necessary for not only pay off, but to harmonize the excitation.

Glycine is known as an anti-stress drug, which can reduce psycho-emotional tension, elevate the mood, relieve stress, normalize the falling asleep, and deepen the sleep. If you take it for a month (1 tablet 3 times a day), you have great chances to pass through the stress and avoid its after-effects. At the same time, having a nootropic effect, the drug is not remit, but on the contrary, improves memory and concentration.

Please note: the tablets or powder (after grinding the tablet) of Glycine should be administered sublingually (under the tongue). On no account swallow the pill, or wash it down with water – in this case, the desired effect will not be achieved!

Glycine can be taken by the whole family. It can be prescribed even for infants. Using it, people become kinder, intolerance and impatience may go away; array of problems may disappear.

Glycine is prescribed under any adverse ecological conditions. It is able to neutralize the “blow to vessels”, so it can be recommended for:

all who is over 60 years, for the stroke prevention;

hypertensive patients, as a basic drug for maintaining of the normal blood pressure values;

women during the menopause;

patients with acute ischemic stroke as a primary neuroprotectant;

patients with brain injuries, for weakening of residual effects.

Please note: the tablets or powder (after grinding the tablet) of Glycine should be administered sublingually (under the tongue). On no account swallow the pill, or wash it down with water – in this case, the desired effect will not be achieved!

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