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Glycine Supplement - How to wean a child biting his nails

02 Feb 2017

Children often bite their nails, and many parents take it as a feature of the age, trying to fight as much. Correct bad habits is not easy even to an adult, and the child to control his actions is particularly difficult, since the brain areas responsible for the actions of an arbitrary regulation, still in the development process. Contrary to popular belief, a nail-biting - usually not the result of bad parenting, but a reflection of the child's psychological problems.

Why do children bite their nails?
Most often, the nails bite teenagers and primary school pupils. Parallel to this, they can also pick your nose, cheat curls on her finger, biting the inside of the cheek, snapping his fingers, etc. The constant repetition of the same action helps the child to cope with his anxiety, which is especially pronounced in times of crisis. Troubled children tend to worry virtually any occasion and age crises are experiencing particularly difficult.

If the nails gnaws grader - it may be a marker of poor adaptation to school. The new situation and requirements, a new team, put the child in terms of a daily struggle. It lacks its own forces to do so, it necessarily need support, and family support. But many parents with care the first days of performance, and worry about why not give them enough attention paid to the child's psychological state. Therefore, children continue to access their bad habits in the second and in the third grade, finding the resources to deal with them, even if they are ashamed of it.

Adolescence crisis also disturbed when contact with parents can bring not only compulsive habit of biting his nails, but also more serious problems: alcohol abuse, anorexia nervosa, suicidal thoughts, aggressive behavior.

What will help to overcome a bad habit
Keep nails short of the child always been circumcised. The desire to nail biting can occur because of the banal inconvenience, on the other hand, short nails less enticing
Explain to your child why nail biting is bad: it is ugly, under the nails accumulate microorganisms spoil teeth
Anxious children are very sensitive to the emotional state of others, and especially to the mood of the parents. Try to maintain a peaceful atmosphere in the family, and be lenient with child
My daily routine is the organizing and stabilizing factor that will make the child's confidence in life. For younger students the best option would be a big wall calendar, where you can write or paste icons to events. At the same time it is important that plans for a week-day was really feasible
School performance is important for a child's self-esteem, but the parents' emphasis on the need to study well significantly increases the level of anxiety. In addition to fear of punishment the child is afraid to disappoint their parents, who have children, even more disturbing. If possible, help your child with homework, give him the right to errors and bad grades. Ask that of the curriculum is not clear to him that it scares the lessons which he needs help
Often children do not talk about their problems to parents and anxious child may even deliberately hide them. But if you show that you belong to the child's problems as seriously as their willing to help in any situation, then make contact will be much easier
Daily intake Glycine supplement helps reduce anxiety and improve emotional state. The preparation contains the amino acid glycine, which is a structural component of the nervous system, improves metabolism. Glycine supplement helps to experience stress as a protective activates the braking processes of the nervous system. Babies Glycine is prescribed for high anxiety, difficulties in learning, irritability, behavior disorders

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