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Glycine Supplement. First-aid kit for the journey: which drugs to take on holiday

07 Mar 2017

The long-awaited vacation for many can be a real test of strength. The new climate, unusual food and water, flight or long trip by road - all this is often the cause of failure of normal body function, exacerbation of chronic diseases. And if you decide to indulge in alcohol and entertainment, you will definitely need support. And even if you have health insurance, a well-equipped first aid kit will be useful.

First-aid kit for the journey drugs to take on holiday

Your personal kit may, for example, include only the funds that are needed specifically to you, and can be completed and the other, the most necessary preparations. Either way, you will feel more comfortable if the right tool at hand in time.

First-aid kit
By default, the first-aid must be present: some antiseptic for topical use (alcohol, hydrogen peroxide, iodine); bandages or other dressings (eg, bandages ready in sterile packages); analgesic and anti-inflammatory agent (such as ibuprofen); remedy for heartache (nitroglycerin); as well as any sedative, anti-allergic (loratadine, cetirizine) and prednisolone in a syringe 2 ml - for emergencies. If next to you in the time of an emergency doctor will provide a first aid kit first aid to him.

Be sure to take all medications that you need to use on a regular basis, or who always help you in the event of sickness. If you suffer from heart disease, diabetes, hypertension - always keep personal funds first aid in a breast pocket.

The composition of the first-aid kit for your comfort
Fortunately, the situation in which a medical emergency, occur infrequently. Therefore, take care of the presence of the tourism resources of the medicine cabinet, which will make your stay more comfortable.

Limontar reduces the toxic effect of alcohol and helps a hangover. Also, this product can be used before the meal or to have a process to reduce the intoxicating effects of alcohol. Even if you drink a rare situation in the rest it contributes to the unexpected feast. Limontar will help you to always be in shape.

Limontar also prescribed for pregnancy during long-distance travel, in order to reduce the risk of complications for the mother and fetus: after the trip itself and / flight, and climate change will be considerable strain on both. The drug improve tissue metabolism, reduces the risk of complications during hypoxia, increases stamina.

the first few days on vacation often difficult to sleep and just relax: it takes time to adapt. If in an unfamiliar environment you feel uncomfortable, you will Glycine. This metabolic agent protects the nervous system from overload, improves sleep and reduces anxiety. Adaptation of the child at the new location will be faster and easier on the background of glycine. Take Glycine before the flight, and the road will bring you only pleasure.

Eltacin is an adaptogen and helps to relieve the symptoms of VSD. This combination product composed of three amino acids: glycine, cysteine, glutamic acid. If you are planning outdoor activities, the Eltacin will quickly regain strength and improve endurance.

Besides metabolites will also be useful to complement the hiking first-aid kit with the means that would be appropriate there, where you are going: remedy for insect bites and repellent agent from the sun with the maximum degree of protection cream from frostbite and chapping, pills from motion sickness, which will be particularly useful if you are traveling on the water.

Extended hiking equipment kits
If you go to the place where, your kit will not have access to medical care should contain everything you need to in the event of injury or illness safely wait for qualified help doctors.

What you should take:
Antipyretic - ibuprofen or acetaminophen in a convenient dosage form. Children can use candles or syrup.
Expectorants, cough with phlegm, such as acetylcysteine, bromhexine or herbal syrup.
Digital Thermometer.
Antiseptic for the throat and mouth.
Vasoconstrictive nose drops.
Broad-spectrum antibiotic - eg amoxicillin or azithromycin.
Means for oral rehydration for diarrhea and vomiting (eg Regidron). In case of emergency for the replenishment of water and electrolyte balance can be prepared in saline solution: 1 teaspoon of salt (10 g) per 1 liter of water.
Burns packages with sterile bandages, Burns cooling gels.
Scissors, tweezers, tape, elastic bandage, some gauze bandages.
Be sure to bring the instructions for use of all drugs that take along.

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