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Glycine Neurotransmitter

27 Jan 2017

How not to be nervous in exams and pass the session?

Pass the session time and relax on vacation - the key to the happiness of all students. What will be focused and calm in a stressful situation? You can draw the lucky ticket and good luck with the help of student rituals, but this method is generally not effective without the possession of knowledge, which still have to demonstrate to examiners. It would be nice to find a miracle cure to remember everything in the short term and to maintain composure in the exam and a clear mind.

What helps the nervous system to adapt to stress?

Our brain is remarkably good at adapting to stressful situations. It works continuously present biochemical laboratory, supporting the necessary number of useful substances to activate some areas and inhibition of others. This complex interaction is the secret of the infinite possibilities of the nervous system. Not a minute without moving! Continuity of biochemical processes provides a good memory and attention, fast response, the ability to understand the complex relationships and to think clearly. But the depletion of this system leads to the inclusion of the protection regime of the nerve overload and excess information. As often happens during a session. And if you did not take care of the support for the brain, in the period of acute stress it will simply cease to work with the same efficiency. A special role in the central nervous system plays an amino acid - metabolites, which are the building material of the body, as well as performing many other functions.

When the brain needs support

The first sign that you do not have to cope without the support - high fatigue. Feeling quick fatigue, loss of attention, fatigue and drowsiness, irritation on trifles, tearfulness, heightened anxiety - all symptoms of adjustment disorder to stress. A frequent companion of students during examinations is also insomnia. To do something with the ability to think clearly and quickly find a way out of difficult situations, memory deteriorates. At the peak of stress, such as during exam time, all violations of adaptation are enhanced - even excellent students may not be able to play a long time friend of the material in this stressful time. Severe professor overwhelm students at examinations, unwittingly included in this maladjustment system and, unfortunately, does not seek to ease your fate. How to reduce stress levels and improve brain function?

Glycine neurotransmitter for successful exam preparation

Glycine - is an amino acid which is partly synthesized in human body. Its action is aimed at improving sleep and emotions increase the protective functions of the nervous system. Therefore, when a strong anxiety before an exam glycine helps to calm and not to panic. Besides situational action glycine also increases the efficiency of the brain: it improves memory, attention, information processing speed increases. During the period of the urgent need to quickly absorb large amounts of information and the ability to save it on time to play, the need for glycine in the brain increases dramatically. In response, the synthesis of activated amino acid neural tissue. This allows you to successfully pass the session and not get nervous before every exam. But what if the body strength exhausted, and adaptation to stress is ineffective?

Glycine in the form of pharmacological agents to help remedy the lack of amino acids of its own production. Admission glycine neurotransmitter doctors recommend spending rates, starting at least one month prior to the session, and to continue taking the final exam. The drug has a cumulative effect, and although its positive effect will affect in the first days, but the maximum it will manifest itself in 4-6 weeks. Regular intake of glycine neurotransmitter have a positive impact on overall health, will help to strengthen the immune system and the nervous system.

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