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Glycine Foods. How to improve the diet of schoolchildren in autumn

03 Mar 2017

How to feed the baby in the morning, that was satisfying and useful that provide student with a lunch, a dinner for the child better? Even experienced parents do not always have ready answers to these questions, and in fact the quality of the diet depends on the health and academic performance of the child in school.

In the fall of a rich choice of fresh vegetables and fruits, but even the presence of natural vitamins does not resolve the problem facing parents: to strengthen the health of the child before the upcoming cold weather.

What foods will help student to survive the fall

Eating only raw fruits and vegetables with a view to meet the demand for vitamins and minerals is not justified. Children's bodies better assimilate complex carbohydrates that have undergone heat treatment: boiled, stewed, baked fruit and vegetables. This allows you to get more energy, normalize intestinal function as heat treatment makes the cell walls of plants softer.

Protein foods should be easily digestible; to reduce the likelihood of rot proteins in the intestine, it is better to combine with vegetables. Dietary meat, eggs and cheese once or twice a week Fill beef to maintain normal hemoglobin levels.

Vegetable oils that contain polyunsaturated fatty acids omega-3 and omega-6 are very popular and are considered almost a panacea. But forget about fats in animal diets student is not worth three or four times a week should be present butter, twice a week, salted lard 20-30 grams. A full range of fat helps to carry out the functions of the immune system, improves brain and peripheral nerves. Fat is very energy-intensive and improve thermoregulation in the cold.

What to give to a student for lunch?

Every day, try to give the baby with a meal of cottage cheese, eggs or lean meat (cheesecakes, pudding, scrambled eggs, meatballs), fresh apple or banana, grilled vegetables, bread and butter and homemade desserts with oil filling. It is convenient to take the cake, vegetables with meat in pita bread, fruit, sliced, sealed beverages.

What a dinner for the child better?

To wake up in the morning the child quickly, and in the evening was well fed and asleep, dinner should be nutritious and easily digestible simultaneously. To this end, suitable casserole with cheese and fruit, vegetable and fruit cake, porridge with butter, cream cheese and pasta - that is, carbohydrate dinner, preferably with the addition of milk fat. But if your child is not able to fully eat lunch at school, the meat dishes with vegetables should be included in the dinner. In this case, the last hearty meal should be no later than 3 hours before bedtime, and just before going to bed at night give the baby milk with a small bun or biscuits.

The child can help multivitamins, amino acids and organic acids?

The need for vitamins is partially covered by the food, but pediatricians recommend twice a year to take a course of multivitamins with minerals. This makes it possible to maintain a sufficient level of activity of biochemical processes in the growing organism, to fully develop and be sick less often.

School burden on the nervous system requires a high content in nerve tissues of the amino acid glycine. Therefore, students of all classes in the drug Glycine is recommended during the school year, which improves memory and attention, removes nervous tension, helps to adapt to new conditions.

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