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Glycine Combat Sub - Autumn depression is canceled

01 Feb 2017

Autumn depression is canceled, five trouble-free means to combat the autumn blues:

Even if soft rain and yellow leaves create for you the atmosphere of coziness and romance, sooner or later, the autumn depression can overtake you. The laws of biological rhythms make us change the perception of the world on the eve of the winter, lowering the temperature and reducing the amount of sunlight affect the metabolism, the holiday season is over and it's time to come back from a holiday on weekdays.

Seasonal adaptations may take a lot easier if you take care of this in advance and help your body to readjust it mildly.

1. Eat local fruits and vegetables without restrictions. Who decided to accept preparations of vitamins and minerals in order to facilitate the adaptation, but it was in the beginning of autumn there is much more useful vitamins in their natural form. From the fruit of the plant biologically active substances incorporated in the natural complex, and in this form is better absorbed. Autumn are particularly useful fruit with a high content of iodine, such as persimmons, apples, grapes.
2. Start something new. A new project or change the fitness club - everything that can infuse novelty into your life and change it a little bit for the better is a good way to beat the autumn blues. These changes contribute to the production of hormones that cause the body to tone and lift the mood: epinephrine, dopamine, endorphins. Autumn - a good time for the dream.
3. Hugs. Physical contact with your loved ones - the best anti-depressant. The hormones that you get in response to an expression of tender feelings, not only support you morally, but also help the immune system to work at full capacity in the season of SARS. If you do not want is anyone to embrace a regular basis, it can become an alternative to blanket weighting.
4. Start the day with music. Make for yourself an ideal musical selection, or use the already created by someone, and go to work in the headphones. The selected music should be rhythmic, but not intrusive. The rhythms and melodies have influenced and emotional background, and on the physiological processes: through the perception of sound and vibration of the brain are stimulated, the rhythm of music affects the heart, all this enables the production of hormones and stimulates the metabolism.
5. Take Glycine combat sub to help reorganize the nervous system. The amino acid glycine is a universal adaptogen, which is produced in the nervous tissue and protects against overloads. With a lack of glycine people much worse adapts to change, may experience anxiety and wanton sadness, his emotions are unstable, worsening memory and attention. Active substance formulation Glycine has the same molecular structure as the natural glycine and completely absorbed by the nervous system.

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