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Glycine Benefits at Ischemic Stroke

25 Jan 2017

What is an ischemic stroke?

Ischemic stroke - is acute impairment of blood flow to a specific area of the brain, resulting in the ischemic focus fabric die. A stroke can cause death in the first day, the risk of life remains high during the first year after the event.

The consequences of a stroke depend on the location of the zone of ischemia and its reduction. speech disorders, memory loss, movement disorders and stroke, post stroke pain, impaired perception of temperature, vision, hearing, remain with a person for life. Partially dead neurons function take on other areas of the brain. Activate this process can be a regular at the correctional work. Recovering from a stroke - hard work, its success largely depends on the physical form of the original patient and the methods that are used for this purpose doctors. Therefore, the most effective method of combating stroke neurologists believe prevention.

Causes of ischemic stroke
Up to 80% of strokes are a result of cerebral ischemia. Ischemic stroke develops mainly in adult and elderly and often a result of atherosclerosis or heart disease in which blood clots can form. Regular consumption of alcohol, unhealthy diet, lack of rest reinforce age-related changes in blood vessels and contribute to their stenosis. Aggravates the background is non-smoking and diabetes. Please pay attention to Glycine.

An important risk factor for stroke is psychological stress. Chronic or acute stress violates the blood rheological quality, contributes to a violation of the fatty acid metabolism, reduces the elasticity of blood vessels, stimulates the blood pressure drops and the capillary spasms.

For the development of persistent brain ischemia sufficiently reduce blood flow by 50-60%, it is not always complete occlusion of the vessel. Such conditions may occur when a sharp decrease in pressure under moderate stress on the background of atherosclerosis, physical fatigue, trauma, severe stress in a healthy person.

Prevention of stroke
A healthy lifestyle, good nutrition and adequate rest are the main points of prevention of ischemic stroke. An important role in the diet given to the quality of fat in the diet, most of them should occupy the polyunsaturated fatty acids, which improve the condition of the vessel walls in atherosclerosis.

If you smoke, you increase the risk of ischemic stroke several times, this is true for both men and women. Large doses of alcohol can trigger a stroke at any age.

blood viscosity helps to regulate the drinking regime. After 40 years at a mass of 60-70 kilogram it is recommended to drink at least 1 liter of water per day (during intensive physical exercise in hot weather, at least 1.5 liters), to maintain the normal ratio of plasma and formed elements in blood. Too much water increases the load on the heart, so more than 2 liters are not recommended to drink a day. Also, after 60 years your doctor may prescribe aspirin to thin the blood, if there are no contraindications.

Withstand stress and reduce their destructive effect helps the amino acid glycine. Regular intake Glycine benefits that it has a sedative effect and improves the formation of energy in cells of the brain, which helps to experience psychological stress and inhibits pathological processes in temporary cerebral circulatory disorders.

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